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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Retrograde Mercury - On It’s Way Again!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water… Venus finally went direct, and now..the planet of communication (and mis-communication!) will go backward. Well, it doesn’t actually go backward, that’s just an expression, but at times it may seem to.

The final retrograde Mercury of 2010 will occur December 10-30 of this year. The Winged God will be stationary retrograde at 5 degrees of Capricorn December 9-13, turning retrograde on the 10th. It will retrograde back into Sagittarius at 29 degrees on December 19, and it will turn stationary direct at 19 degrees December 19- January 1, 2011, going direct on December 30.

The planet of communication retrogrades 3 or 4 times each year. During this time equipment breaks down, miscommunication occurs, situations breakdown, delays occur, relationships break up, and people from the past, as well as situations from the past occasionally reappear. It is wise not to make major decisions, buy high ticket items, make commitments, start a job, get married or sign contracts during this time. This theory has been tested many times over—by me!. Act now and you will regret it later, if you can avoid doing so! Occasionally, this can work in your favor, but as a rule it is best to be aware of the ramifications of this energy and act accordingly.

Retrograde Mercury is a time of re-accessing situations, people, jobs, bank accounts and any number of other things. It is a time to reflect on the past, perhaps plan, but it is not yet the time to implement new goals or move forward. That time will come when this important planet moves forward again.

The most important time during retrograde Mercury is the stationary retrograde and stationary direct period. This is when you should be most aware of the powerful energy this planet is beaming down on you. Snafus are most likely to occur, decisions most likely to change, unexpected events come up, and delays occur at the beginning and end of this period.

You will be most affected by this retrograde if you have a personal planet being aspected by 5 degrees of Capricorn during the stationary retrograde phase, or 19 degrees of Sagittarius when it goes direct.

So, what exactly does this mean to YOU? It means get prepared. Try and wrap up important matters, and if you are shopping for gifts you have until December 10, and that late date is pushing your luck! If you shop later in the month, your gift may well turn up in the returned section December 26! Try and wrap up contracts, legal matters, yearend business of greatest importance, and plan to take a break early in the month-at least early in terms of your affairs running smoothly. Ideally, this year, the planets are calling for the last three weeks of the year spent in reflection and reevaluation of what our greatest priorities are, including our business priorities.

From December 9-13 Mercury is stationary retrograde at 5 degrees of Capricorn, and astrologer/Author Carol Rushman writes, “ while the mental process may be slower and more deliberate, good decisions are made due to caution and much soul-searching. There can be a tendency toward negativity and depression at this time. Organization and planning can be done in an effective manner. Thoughts of career and work opportunities can consume you.”

Mercurial energy will change however, on December 19-January 13, 2011, as Mercury enters Sagittarius and goes direct at 19 degrees on the 30th. Author Rushman states, “The mind may turn to spiritual matters. Fervor, idealism and optimism can manifest. Thoughts of travel to far off places may consume you. There may be a strong need to communicate your ideas with Mercury stationing in Sagittarius, and there is also an inclination to exaggerate and elaborate on your ideas.”

Mercury does not return to full steam ahead until it reaches the degree at which it turned retrograde, 5 degrees in Capricorn. We do not get back to this degree until January 18, which is the perfect time to initiate your new business endeavors and matters of priority, and move forward full steam ahead for 2011.

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