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Monday, March 14, 2011

Uranus in Aries/ Supermoon in Virgo/Neptune in Aquarius-Pisces -Dramatic Actions and Events/March 2011

Uranus made a dramatic entrance into the sign Aries March 11, as earthquakes and a tsunami wrecked havoc on Japan and Hawaii, leaving thousands homeless and dead. Uranus entered Aries officially March 11 at 7:52PM EST. Uranus acts swiftly; squaring Pluto, the planet ruling nuclear weapons and facilities, as well as oil. The planet is at risk of nuclear incidents as well as weapons and several nuclear power plants have been damaged by the earthquake in Japan. This (Pluto-Uranus) energy will continue all year, reaching a peak June-August, as the two planets are within a one degree orb of each other. But, planets do not have to be exact to cause events. Uranus and Pluto will actually continue to square each other until 2016. Thus, we are at risk for many years to come of unexpected events and explosions around the world, wars, nuclear incidents and events, and catastrophic earth related disasters that will include water. The world is about to change is some very big ways, and it will simply take another powerful planetary line up to set it off (Pluto/Uranus square) again.

Uranus is at the 0 degree known as the Aries point. This much awaited event in the astrological world has more than lived up to it’s name thus far. Celeste Teal published the most widly quoted explanation of Uranus in Aries at the Aries point, also known as the ‘world point.’ ’A sudden outpouring of energies, indicative of involvement with the world at large.’

The energy of the upcoming full moon in Virgo has played a role in Japan’s tragedy, as well. This full moon has been described as an ‘extreme supermoon' because on March 19 the moon will swing more closely to the earth than it has in the past 18 years. March’s full moon occurs on Saturday March 19th at 2:10 P.M. EST at 28 degrees Virgo 48 minutes. Full moon energy can be felt before the peak occurs as well as after. The 29th degree is a significant one and every full moon since October has been at that significant degree. The 29th degree is about change. This full moon causes conflicts with several planets, including Uranus, the planet/agent of disruption. As the full moon approaches we will see more events fitting this description.

Neptune, known as the water-bearer is currently in the 29th degree of Aquarius. Author/Astrologer Helen Adams Garrett, wrote about the 29th degree of Neptune in Aquarius, ’World Peace will be sought and those born with this degree will be active in the process, by agreement or by opposition to the cause May be caught in the batter and become a victim.’

The ground is littered with victims in the Middle East. As the victim toll in Japan reaches 10,000 at the time of this publication, all eyes are off Libya where a crazed dictator cleans up the streets and tells the world he never massacred civilians while the UN debates the legalities of intervention. The Arab League ministers voted to ask the UN to impose a no fly zone over Libya, but to the civilians under siege in that civil war torn country this may seem to be too little, too late. Author Celeste Teal states the 29th degree is the weakest point of the sign it is occupying and often complicates decision making matters.

On March 18-19, Mercury opposes Saturn. This is a transit indicative of arguments, power struggles in the world, and accidents. It is oriented toward very serious issues and we will see this play out on a world level with debates, arguments and more negative news. We will hear news from governments around the world.

As the full moon peaks on the 19th it opposes Uranus within one degree. This will create sudden, unexpected situations that may involve weather and water related occurrences. Mercury-Saturn plays into the picture as well, creating dangerous situations around the world that occur at the last minute. March 21-22 the Sun conjuncts Uranus, a transit indicative of sudden, explosive situations, accidents and explosions that could involve fire. At the 0 degree Aries point, events will likely involve the world in a big way, with certain individuals or entities that will make their desires known. No doubt, the tragedy in Japan will play a big part of this full moon, and we will continue to hear disturbing reports. But it is not limited to the news from Japan. This is a complex full moon, and indeed is a ‘supermoon,’ for many reasons. We can expect the unexpected with this one.

March 28-29 the Sun squares Pluto. Pluto is a ruthless planet and describes the ‘status quo, as well as oil. Pluto also rules nuclear weapons and substances. We will hear more at this time about Japan’s nuclear plant crisis, and oil. Prices may go up, and oil will become a major issue throughout 2011. Sun/Pluto is explosive and relates to power struggles of all types, as well as struggles against the current power structure. Pluto rules the media as well, and no doubt reporters will be at the forefront during this time.

Jupiter opposes Saturn the last two weeks of March. This transit is indicative of restriction, delays, obstacles, negative movement in financial markets and gridlock among governments, especially the US. Decisions will be difficult to make and movement may come to a virtual standstill.

As Mercury retrogrades in Aries on March 30, it does so in the sign ruling the individual (as well as collective) ego. At this time, we will have an opportunity to re-evaluate the actions of the recent past. Actions will be slowed, but in positive light decisions can be rethought. On the other hand, hasty decisions can be made without thought of consequences, and thinking may not be clear.

On a Personal Level

On March 19 will will experience  a volatile full moon and to some degree we will all feel the influence for a few hours or days, but for some it will be more intense than others, depending what it is aspecting in your chart. Those most affected during the few days before and after the full moon will be born June 19-21, December 19-25, March 16-21, and September 20-25. It will be significant if you were born April 6-8, July 8-10, October 9-11, or January 6-8. You may feel edgy, discouraged and negative or prone to an argument. Let the energy pass, and by mid-week if not sooner, energies-situations will lighten up.

1 comment:

  1. It was my 21st birthday on that Saturday (D.O.B. 19 March 1990, 15h25 Eshowe South Africa) On that Monday, I left the boyfriend I had been supporting and living with and moved premises. Shortly after I changed jobs too. It was an incredibly changing time for me, emotionally and mentally. I had a strange sense of knowing about what I was doing and what seemed like "divine" strength guiding and supporting me through it.

    It makes a lot of sense that these were the astrological conditions. Thanks for the post =)
