
Astrology provides a great tool to help us understand why and how good things and bad happen to us as individuals and as a collective. Enjoy my free astrology column, and feel free to contact me to purchase your own personalized chart and reading. Or visit my site at http://www.lesliehale-astrology.com/

Thursday, December 30, 2010

It's Not Just the Money-Planet earth Speaks Too!

The New Moon/solar eclipse falls at 13 degrees of Capricorn on January 4 at 4:03 AM, EST. Capricorn is the natural ruler of the 10th house of business and priorities. The eclipse squares Saturn, the taskmaster, bringing a dose of reality, responsibility and obligations to light. Venus squares Neptune at 26 degrees of Scorpio-Aquarius, and this transit is indicative of fraud, mistruths and lies relating to money and sex. It points toward issues between the sexes and news relating to same sex couplings as well.

Capricorn rules the earth as well as business, and issues will come to light that relate to the earth itself. We must listen to the planet speak, as it is the sustenance of all life in our world. 2010’s catastrophic earthquake in Haiti preceded the January 15 eclipse in Capricorn by 3 days. With the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 27 degrees of Pisces, expect more precipitation than normal and possibilities in some areas of flooding and issues surrounding water/precipitation.

The eclipse is prominent in the US natal chart. It falls in the second house of income/earned income, opposing the Sun, as well as the two money planets Venus and Jupiter. While it is 14 degrees off the US Pluto in Capricorn, it will conjunct the planet of transformation in the morning hours creating intensity and a collective desire for financial transformation in the world. Major events concerning money may be revealed at this time or in the very near future.

The length of the eclipse is 4 hrs and 20 minutes, thus according to eclipse expert Celeste Teal, this eclipse will exert influence and impact us for a total of 4.20 years.

Teal calls this eclipse, The Balance of Power, and writes, “Focus on business and national affairs, Eclipse in a critical degree: denoting potential for a central event having wide range impact. Eclipse in degree of fixed star Manubrium: flaring heat. A turbulent spirit against those in high places. For the USA, the eclipse falls over the Sun: US administration and government critically linked to larger world affairs. There is potentially powerful opposition to overcome For US, eclipse in house of earning power and expenditures; obstacles, legislative delays. Trade and labor restricted. Meditation, yoga and or self indulgences to cope with discontent. Eclipse of emphasis for Japan, Russia, the UN, Cuba, NYC, Phoenix and the NYSE.”

Neptune moves to 27 degrees on January 10, conjuncting the moon in the US Natal chart. Neptune is the planet of illusion, delusion, confusion and lack of clarity. Americans are at risk of being lied to, and as a collective are asleep at the wheel in terms of understanding the big financial picture. As Neptune moves through the final degrees of the sign of Universal understanding problems will become more obvious. This transit also represents a weak housing market and a population that is growing weary of what is now the worst recession in 80 years.

January 8, the planet of love (Venus) enters Sagittarius lifting spirits and creating a more freewheeling and exuberant kind of energy for those in love or looking for love. Naturally, this works best for the fire signs. January 10, Mercury sextiles Sagittarius bringing sensitivity and creativity to the fore. Situations may be exaggerated. January 11, Mercury squares Uranus, creating accident prone energy. This is the time to think before you speak and expect sudden unexpected news. January 12, Mars sextiles Uranus, creating a somewhat exciting energy and possibility of exciting, new business ideas and opportunities. The planet of communication enters Capricorn January 13 for the second time in 2 months, creating a focus on serious matters and business over the next 29 days. January 14, Mars sextiles Jupiter, creating some positive energy and providing a planetary opportunity for some business and monetary success. January 17 the Sun sextiles Uranus, a positive, exciting transit with eclectic possibilities. January 18, Mercury conjuncts Pluto. This is the third and final Mercury-Pluto conjunction, creating an obsessive energy, argumentative in nature and aimed at getting to the bottom of situations. Previously on December 5-6 and 14 this transit dealt with revelations from Wikileaks. The transit is compulsive, prone to accidents and arguments and will involve the media and revelations.

January 19, we have a full moon at 29 degrees of Cancer. The 29th degree holds special importance and relates to endings and finishing up matters. Cancer is the most emotional of all signs and rules the home and fourth house relating to the foundation and family. This full moon trines Jupiter, a positive indication whereby we can show generosity and warmth toward those we love.

January 20, energy will shift as the Sun leaves the sign of business and enters Aquarius. Wherever the Sun travels it spreads it’s light-in this case Aquarius- the natural ruler of the 11th house of friends, hopes and wishes and organizations and friends.

January 22, Jupiter enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Jupiter is the financial planet and the planet of luck, abundance and expansion. Whatever Jupiter touches, it increases. Aries is a fire sign and we experienced Jupiter in this sign June 6-September 8, 2010 when it first entered the sign of the Ram. Aries is exuberant, moves quickly and is the natural ruler of the first house of self. In some respects this will give us a jump start and it will represent a vast difference from the laid back energy of Pisces. Science and technology will make advances. This will be a once every 12 year advantage for Aries, and other fire signs. Jupiter was last in Aries February 14, 1999-June 28, and again October 24, 1999-Febuary 15, 2000.

January 23, Venus sextiles Saturn. This is a positive transit for business, and connecting with things and persons from the past. It is a positive financial transit on the conservative side.

January 26, Saturn retrogrades at 17 degrees of Libra. Saturn retrogrades every year for approximately 4 months, and at this time the sign it is in is emphasized. Libra pertains to relationships, relationship issues, government, courts and laws, and these issues will come to the forefront. Bad marriages and relationships may end altogether. People are often more disciplined in their undertakings, and much depends upon what transits Saturn is making in your natal chart. On the same day, January 26, Mercury squares Saturn. This transit is accident prone and depressive and we may hear negative news about business or the economy. It is a tiring transit but can indicate increased focus.

Happy New Year 2011!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Julian Assange, The Man-Hero, Martyr, or Villain? Protecting the First Amendment

Julian Assange may be one of the most talked about men in the world today. He is the founder of Wikileaks, the whistle blower website, that has recently released thousands of sensitive, but not secret documents, giving the world an inside look at leaders around the world and their communications to colleagues and heads of governments. Assange has claimed many prestigious awards in the past. Interpol has recently added him to its most wanted list, citing sex crimes in the warrant. This charge came after the release of thousands of documents releasing information previously unknown to the public concerning the War in Afghanistan. The US Government is now considering charges against Assange, as well.

Australian Julian Assange was born on July 3, 1971, at 2:05PM (Birth time Source: the Mountain Astrologer) His birth date was previously unpublished, but I knew he was undoubtedly a Cancer. The reason I knew this is because with the controversy he has generated, including that of the US and other governments I knew the Pluto had to be involved in a big way. Pluto is known as the 'God of the Underworld,' 'The Lord of Hell,' and with Interpol and the US Government looking for you, this planet would have to be active. Pluto is opposing Assange's Cancer Sun and this represents some very powerful forces and opposition to what he is doing. Additional, some of the major paymaster’s (PayPal and credit card services) have cut ties to his site.

Assange is a 10 degree Cancer with a 17 degree Scorpio ascendant and a Scorpio moon. The Cancer Sun reveals a gentle and sensitive personality, but the Scorpio moon (12th house) represents someone who can live in secrecy/seclusion and keep secrets. This also means women can play a role of ‘secret enemies,’ contributing to his problems/and or downfall. Assange has been charged with sex crimes, although according to published reports the evidence of actual sex crimes occurring is dubious. (http://www.truth-out.org/something-rotten-the-strange-case-interpols-red-alert-assange-and-us-attack-wikileaks65883)

With Mercury at 24 degrees of Cancer, he views journalism with emotion and feels deeply about the subjects he becomes involved in. He also has the ability to connect with the masses, and sway public viewpoints.

Assange’s Mars is at 21 degrees of Aquarius in his fourth house, squaring his Jupiter in Scorpio. This is another trait of a zealous individual, who can be totally committed to an ideal or philosophy. There is no doubt Assange believes in his work and feels called to do it.

Transiting Neptune (the planet of illusion, delusion, and confusion, lies and deception) has conjuncted his Mars over the past several years, setting of a Neptunian square in his chart between Jupiter in his first house (governments and money), and Mars in his fourth (his actions/sex). When Neptune enters Pisces in April it will set off another Neptunian grand square between his Neptune in Sagittarius in his first house to Saturn in Gemini in his seventh house of partners and ‘open enemies.’ These two Neptune squares will figure prominently in his chart well into 2012, and he will be surrounded by lies, mistruths and those who wish to destroy him for many months to come.

Uranus figures prominently in Assange’s chart, squaring his Sun. Uranus square Sun individuals prefer to answer to no one and are the reformers of society. It is not uncommon for them to break with tradition. These people like excitement, and don’t like being pushed into things they don’t want to do. A Sun square Uranus individual usually appears to be open minded, but at times can be temperamental. Other well known individuals with Sun-Uranus include Walt Disney, Angelica Houston, Sigmund Freud, Donald Trump, Roy Orbison, and Meredith Baxter.

Saturn opposing Neptune is another configuration that stands out in his chart. Those born with this transit can swing between the two poles of idealism and materialism, and can be susceptible to the promises made by others, especially partners-personal or professional in the case of Assange. This transit is often found in the charts of those who fervently believe in an ideal. Alternatively, it can be someone who is continually skeptical- not a bad trait for a man in his line of work. Individuals with this configuration can also become prone to depression, and with Saturn falling in his seventh house of marriage the individual would not fare well in long term relationships. Assange is divorced.

At this time Uranus is squaring his Venus in his eighth house of sex and money/corporate money and finances. Uranus brings to the fore sudden, unexpected events involving relationships, sex, and unexpected money issues. The planet of the unexpected is also opposing his Pluto at 27 degrees of Virgo, bringing problems to his work. Pluto is at 5 degrees opposing his Sun in the ninth house of legal matters and will continue to do so for years to come.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Planet of Communication, Speech and the Mind changes Course

The past week we completed the second of three passes of Mercury-Pluto, a transit that creates relentless energy, and obsessive feelings of having to ‘get to the bottom of the matter, as well as general bad moods. The second pass occurred December 14-16 and was joined by Mars, making those few days significant for many people in terms of communication and events taking place, situations being revealed, and information uncovered, not always on easy terms. The first pass of Mercury-Pluto was on December 5. The final pass of Mercury-Pluto (at 4 degrees of Capricorn) will occur on January 16, 2010. If you were affected by this transit on the above dates, make a note of the events that occurred as this transit will make one more pass before completing its journey through your chart.

Mercurial energy will change Sunday, December 19 when Mercury retrogrades back into Sagittarius. Where Mercury-Capricorn was sterner, more goal and obligation oriented, Mercury-Sagittarius will be more upbeat, optimistic and fun loving. Things can get blown out of proportion, and don’t over expand. Mercury remains in Sagittarius until January 13 when it travels through Capricorn again for 30 days. It officially goes direct on December 30.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 2010- Intellectual Enlightenment and Empowerment

While December’s eclipse this year will be fraught with unexpected events and developments, if we look for the hidden message of this year’s final eclipse in Gemini, it is intellectual enlightenment and empowerment.

The 29th degree in predictive astrology relates to final endings with situations, scenarios, and sometimes even people. This is important because in our desire to move forward we must have endings before new beginnings occur. It is the epiphany we share collectively and individually as we bid circumstances, situations and those who no longer serve our highest good so long, and we look, in that final moment for the enlightenment to see our future. See the truth for whatever it is and let it set you free. In understanding we find peace. In knowledge we find power. And through enlightenment we attain empowerment for ourselves and society.

Eclipses point the way to our future and the eclipse will be played out in the world and on the world stage and in our individual lives in ways that are unique to each person. By knowing where the eclipse falls in our birth charts we can determine how it will affect us individually.

The energy of an eclipse can be a force that lasts for months even years. Several major transits will precede and influence the affects of the actual eclipse.

On Saturday, December 18, the Sun squares Uranus at 25 degrees of Sagittarius-Pisces. Sun square Uranus is explosive energy, and creates events that fall under the ‘unexpected’ category. It is volatile and represents explosions, sudden violent incidents, airplanes, earthquakes, circumstances related to weather, and we should ‘expect the unexpected,’ with this transit. There will be a lot of angry and explosive energy in the world that can trickle down into your personal life.

On December 19-20, the Sun conjuncts Mercury (retrograde). Look for travel related incidents, accidents, and the Sun will increase the potential for Mercury, the planet of communication, making this transit ripe for argument, debate and mental irritation.

On December 20-22 Mercury squares Uranus. Look for unexpected news in your personal life and on the news channels. Extreme caution is needed while traveling or driving a car. This is another transit relating to debates, arguments and fights. With Mercury in retrograde we may hear previously unknown facts and communications. Unexpected weather conditions can dominate matters, and it is an explosive, unpredictable time. Uranus rules rebellions, explosions, airplanes and electricity, as well as the internet and all electronic communication. Think before you speak with this one.

The actual lunar eclipse occurs at 29 degrees of Gemini on December 21, at 3;13 AM. Events may be delayed as Mercury is retrograde, and hidden agendas can surface. This is the time to finish up old matters, not begin new projects or situations. Gemini is the natural ruler of the third house of communication, and represents communication, travel, immediate family members, neighbors and co-workers. It opposes the ninth house of education, travel, legal and medical situations and publishing, and to some extent it will be these areas upon which we will be focused as a collective.

At 29 degrees of Gemini, the eclipse opposes the Sun, and squares Uranus and Jupiter, as will Mercury. Jupiter conjuncts Uranus on December 22, and whatever Jupiter touches, it expands. Be careful of over expansion and situations that can become blown out of proportion. Jupiter also rules governments, and Uranus rules electronic media. When this transit (Jupiter-Uranus) occurred in May we saw massive flooding in the South, and Nashville, TN. With the eclipse and Mercury squaring the planet of the unexpected, this is what we should expect.-the unexpected. Uranus rules explosions, and explosive, unstable situations, and this will be the case in terms of the world and in our personal lives. We may experience problems with communication, electronic equipment and the weather. Air flights are at risk, and there will be unexpected news, sudden abrupt changes and changes of mind and heart. If your relationship is tottering on the edge, expect the possibility of sudden news and/or endings. The eclipse may bring volatility in financial markets and news of such.

In the US Chart the eclipse falls in the seventh house, representing partners/partnerships, (at home and abroad) courts and open enemies. It squares Neptune and is within 8 degrees of conjuncting Mars. This will create angry, frustrated and confused energy at home with the potential for unexpected events occurring abroad. Secret agendas may surface at this time.

In US President Obama’s chart the eclipse falls in his fifth house of children and love affairs and there may be a focus on friends and family. He may still suffer setbacks in work and unexpected news.

In Ireland’s chart the eclipse conjuncts Uranus in the tenth house of priorities, business and reputation. Mars square Jupiter relates to money at home and debate and argument over financial matters and expenditures. An eclipse conjunct Uranus is disruptive, explosive and restless in nature. Uranus is the planet of rebellions, total and unexpected change, explosions, accidents and disasters, unexpected and unplanned for events. Saturn will square Mars over the next two months creating a volatile, angry and stressed populace, with a possibility of erupting violence and disruption in the country.

In North Korea’s chart At 29 degrees of Gemini the eclipse is within one degree of North Korea’s Uranus at 0 degrees of Cancer. Uranus rules explosions and explosive situations in the country that are unexpected and unpredictable. With Mars square Neptune situations will be unclear. Mars/Neptune relates to fanaticism of all types, gasses, and chemicals, weapons of mass destruction, bombs, death, lies and deception and lack of clarity.

In Afghanistan’s chart, the eclipse falls in the eighth house ruling death, taxes, other people’s money, hidden agendas and secrets, and opposes the moon representing the people and the emotional life of those living in the country. Mars conjuncts Jupiter on December 19th and Author-astrologer Celeste Teal writes, “Mars is action oriented- a real fighter, therefore this planet will initiate the most dynamic events related to an eclipse. Mars travels pretty rapidly, making a complete circle through the zodiac every two years, so it will frequently get to an eclipse degree very quickly to present a conflict and get things started. Mars may represent a bully or antagonist and its transit to an eclipse may bring one forth.”

In Julian Assange’s chart the eclipse falls in his 8th house of death, change and transformation, sex, other peoples’ money and secrets. It is conjunct Venus and squares Pluto bringing up issues relating to control/power and sex/money with information coming to light, and issues being exposed. Mars opposes is Sun signifying opposition from others and potential for personal danger. It is a pivotal few days that will affect the outcome of his future, and that of Wikileaks.

If you are in Aries/Aries ascendant, the eclipse falls in your third/ninth houses representing immediate family, friends, neighbors and co-workers, communication, legal and medical issues or issues relating to education, publishing, and travel.

If you are a Taurus/Taurus ascendant, the eclipse falls in your second/eighth houses of money and joint finances, partner’s money, corporate funds and taxes as well as sex and self image.

If you are a Gemini/Gemini ascendant, the eclipse falls in your first/seventh houses of self and partners/partnerships/courts and open enemies.

If you are a Cancer/Cancer ascendant, the eclipse falls in your twelfth/sixth houses of things secret and hidden, Dr.’s, hospitals and seclusion, or even jail.—a long shot! It opposes the house of work, health and diet, and these areas will receive focus as well.

If you are a Leo/Leo ascendant, the eclipse falls in your 11th/5th houses of corporations, friends, hopes and wishes. Love affairs, friends and children may figure into things as well.

If you are a Virgo/Virgo ascendant, the eclipse falls in your tenth/fourth house ruling priorities, business and reputation, the personal foundation and the home.

If you are a Libra/Libra ascendant, the eclipse falls in your ninth/third houses of communication, neighbors, immediate family members, travel, education and publishing as well as legal and medical matters.

If you are a Scorpio/Scorpio ascendant, the eclipse falls in your eighth/second house of change and transformation, sex, taxes, corporate money and other people’s money as well as earned income.

If you are a Sagittarius/Sagittarius ascendant, the eclipse falls in your seventh/first houses of marriage and partnership, as well as new beginnings, open enemies and courts. You will be concerned with your role and interaction in partnerships, both personal and professional.

If you are a Capricorn/Capricorn ascendant, the eclipse falls in your sixth/twelfth houses, and you will be dealing with issues connected to work/health/diet and wellbeing and have the potential to visiting a Dr. or being involved with someone who is.

If you are an Aquarius/Aquarius ascendant, the eclipse falls in your 5th/11th houses of love affairs, friends, children and hopes and wishes.

If you are a Pisces/Pisces ascendant, the eclipse falls in your fourth/tenth houses of home, the personal foundation, career matters and priorities.

The eclipse falls on the Winter Solstice, just hour before we officially enter the winter season at 6;38 PM EST.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pluto-Mars-Mercury-Threats, Information and Volatility

Retrograde Mercury is to a fast start living up to its (bad) name, but it’s not all bad, and sometimes it can work in your favor, but don’t expect that. It is well known for sometimes connecting you with people and situations from your past. That isn’t all good either, there is usually a reason the past is the past. Occasionally, it will bring lost lovers back together, but I usually tell my clients retrograde Mercury is a bit like a wild card. Often it relates to events that seem to be ‘fated.’ Many times the retrograde planets work that way.

Over the next few days, events and situations will become tense and there will be a lot of volatile energy in the world, as Pluto, Mars and Mercury come together at 4 degrees on Tuesday.
Mercury’s retrograde this month is significant because at 4 degrees on Monday, it is only 1 degree away from Pluto. It will conjunct (line up at the same degree) with the ‘Lord of Hell’, as Pluto is sometimes known on DECEMBER 14-15. Mars also moves to 4 degrees in Capricorn Tuesday, thus we will see a Pluto-Mars-Mercury conjunction.

This energy will become intense and volatile, and you can look for events/situations to be revealed that have not been known to you before. This will apply in the area of business and relationships and in general create many bad moods. It also could involve vehicles, arguments, relationship situations being revealed or ending, pets and relatives.

On the world stage this will play out in the form of angry energy, debate, explosions and potentially catastrophic situations in the world and in business. I look for more negative financial news, and the potential for violence to erupt. On the positive end, this transit could be used for accomplishing a great deal of work and getting to the bottom of a situation.

Mercury goes direct on December 30, but don’t expect things to return to normal until around mid-January.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2010- Threats, Information Revealed, and Following the Money

The 12th month of the year begins as Venus, the planet of love, enters Scorpio. Love feelings and energy will intensify as Venus transits this sign, and it works best for Cancer (and other water sign), as it transits the Crab’s fifth house of love affairs. Venus is still in the ‘shadow period,’ of it’s retrograde and won’t resume full speed ahead until December 21.

December 2, Mercury enters Capricorn. Mercury rules our minds and communication, and it will enter it’s retrograde on December 10.

December 3-4 Mars squares Uranus at 26 degrees of Pisces-Sagittarius. This is transit of unexpected, explosive events, anger agitation and accidents that will affect you personally, and no doubt play out on the world stage. Mars sextiles Neptune the same days, giving things a more spiritual and humanitarian twist, had holds great potential for creativity.

December 5 brings a New Moon in Sagittarius and a theme of ‘wide open spaces.’ Sagittarius is the most freedom seeking of all signs and the sign of expansion. It rules the ninth house of philosophy, travel, publishing, medicine, and world views. http://lesliehale.blogspot.com/2010/11/november-2010-full-moon-in-taurus.html

December 6-7 Mercury conjuncts Pluto as it retrogrades back by one degree. Mercury-Pluto can be obsessive and compulsive in nature, and seeks to find answers. Don’t be surprised if your mind is occupied by a single thought or situation for 48 hours. Be careful of accidents, arguments, and look for information to be revealed that was previously unknown. On the world stage this will play out in the form of debate and argument, accidents, information relating to business and banking and no doubt the WIkileaks story will be in the media, along with the media itself. These will be major news days. http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=3824170277196793127&postID=6793290705562599605

December 7, the Sun sextiles Saturn, a good day for serious matters, discussions and taking care of responsibilities. You will have added energy to take care of business.

December 8, Venus sextiles Pluto, creating a more emotional, intense feeling where love and money are concerned.

Also on December 8, Mars enters Capricorn, the sign of business, banking, and ‘taking care of business.’ Attitudes will become more somber and conservative.

December 10, Mercury retrogrades at 5 degrees of Capricorn. http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=3824170277196793127&postID=2639059018245670335
December 14, Mars conjuncts Pluto and retrograde Mercury at 4 degrees of Capricorn. This may well turn out to be one of the most significant days of the month. This is a day you need to be aware of yourself and your surroundings. The energy is volatile, potentially violent, accident prone, argumentative and you will see, and possibly experience the anger that will be present in the world. Be careful of driving, traveling, getting into arguments, accidents, and best keep a calm mind and let this energy pass. It is a powerful transit and the energy is not limited to one day, but rather a few days before and a few days after. Transits do not have to be exact for events to occur. If it is setting off a personal planet in your chart, you need to be especially careful. This will be a major news day. Pluto rules nuclear energy/the media/gangs/sex/powerful forces, and we are at risk globally of violence, threats of violence, disasters, earth shifts, rabid debate and argument, and news from Europe and domestically about the money markets and issues concerning the global economy. It opposes Venus and Jupiter in the US chart and is not a good omen.

December 18, the Sun sextiles Neptune, a day of high creativity for some, feelings of compassion for others and those less fortunate. Great for psychics. Also, the Sun squares Jupiter, a transit generally pleasant in nature, but lends itself to over-doing and over expansion in all things. (Potentially your waistline and your stories?)

December 21, the Winter Solstice and lunar eclipse at 29 degrees of Gemini. Celeste Teal is a well known author of eclipses, and calls this eclipse, “Intellectual Values.” She writes, “As Lord of the Eclipse, retrograde Mercury signifies youthful persons, the witty, the jokester or the thief. It emphasizes communication, travel and transit, literary and educational persons. May be the loss or death of a writer, professor, or illustrious person. Eclipse in last degree of sign: resolving old issues, foreign agreements, religious or educational matters. Fortunate for publications of mysticism. For the USA focus in financial sectors. Erratic pace of incoming information. Nerves high-strung. May be mechanical malfunctions. Imaginative movements in music and entertainment. This eclipse of emphasis for Afghanistan, Japan, North Korea, Palestine, Vatican City, Phoenix, Australia, Cuba, Israel, Manhattan, and NYC.”

December 22, Mercury squares Jupiter. This transit is generally pleasant but tends to overexpansion, over doing and over spending. Good times, but keep it in check!

December 26, the Sun conjuncts Pluto. This transit is prone to intensity, power struggles, threats, and feelings of ‘forced change.’ It opposes the Jupiter and Venus of the US, bringing news of money matters, potential news from abroad, and is not indicative to peace on Earth.

December 29-30 Mars Squares Saturn. (Mercury goes direct on December 30.) This is a transit of frustration, irritation, arguments and debates. Potential news of money and business problems.

Note-December is a frustrating month for many this year, and we will see many global events that affect our lives and business. In spite of it all, in difficult times we have the ability to focus on our own lives and families, pushing ahead to create harmony, peace and happiness. May this be your path, and may your month be filled with joy and happiness and good times for you and your family. Happy New Year! Leslie

“Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth.”

Martin H. Fischer

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wikileaks, the US and the World, the New Moon, and Retrograde Mercury/Pluto

Week’s end brings a New Moon in Sagittarius on December 5, ruled by the planet Jupiter. Jupiter rules governments and it is playing out on the world stage with the latest Wikileaks release of hundreds of leaked diplomatic cables. Information, previously unknown will continue to become known to the public, shining a harsh light on US and other countries diplomatic efforts around the world, and well as heads of countries.

From a planetary standpoint the revelations are just starting due to the fact Mercury, the planet of communication is in it’s ‘shadow period,’ the actual beginning of the retrograde that will occur on December 10. Mercury retrograde is often a time when previously unknown facts reveal themselves. Pluto/Mercury transits ferret out the facts and get to, ‘the bottom of the matter.’ It is the transit of the investigative journalist, and no stone will be left unturned.

Mercury enters Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac on December 2. Capricorn is the natural ruler of the tenth house of business, banking, priorities and Capricorn rules the earth itself. It conjuncts Pluto at 4 degrees the first time on December 6-7, again December 14-15, and a third time on January 17, 2011. During these periods, and even while Mercury is within a few degrees of Pluto the focus will be on the media, and these times will bring further revelations to public light.

In the US Natal chart this incident is directly opposing Jupiter and Venus in the US seventh house of partners. This could damage or change relations with foreign partners and countries and Tuesday morning November 29, The Washington Post is stating officials around the world predict it will undercut their ability to deal with the US on sensitive issues.

Pluto will oppose Venus and Jupiter in the US chart throughout 2011. Pluto is known as ‘the Lord of Hell,’ ‘The God of the Underworld,’ and ‘The Planet of Transformation,’ to coin a few of his names. It rules power, gangs, sex, darkness, oil, and those in control. Ultimately, when Pluto transits a planet it brings change, not always bad at the end of the day. Venus and Pluto lie in the US chart house of partners. The two planets also rule money and values, as well as popularity, and no doubt will bring further news about the financial meltdown in Europe.

Pluto rules the media, and the founder of Wiki Leaks, Julian Assange is coming under scrutiny, and may face criminal charges. The US is a reactionary country and the possibility exists for a media crackdown, which would stifle the media’s ability to report facts accurately. The media has played a role in uncovering corruption in many instances, going back to Watergate, and before. Take away the media’s right to report the facts and you take away the public’s ability to know what is going on inside their government. It is difficult enough for American’s to know the truth as it exists with Neptune conjunct the moon of the US chart. Neptune is the planet of illusion, delusion and confusion. This transit makes it difficult to understand and know understand the truth, and it is a transit of lies and deception.

All of this is occurring as the US enters its Saturn return.http://lesliehale.blogspot.com/2010/11/november-2010-saturn-return-change.html America’s Saturn return is exact at 14 degrees of Libra, and we will be in this planetary cycle throughout 2011. Saturn conjunct Saturn, known as a Saturn return is a cyclical transit that occurs every 29.5 years as Saturn passes through each of the twelve signs. Saturn returns are usually associated with major changes in the life cycle that include hardships and difficult to solve problems. It marks a transition period where an individual or entity must take responsibility for their actions and work hard to move forward to the future. It is usually associated with frustration, unhappiness, difficult problems, delays, restrictions, anger and sadness.

The New Moon falls at 13 degrees of Sagittarius on December 5, and is conjunct the US ascendant, putting a focus on the US. Between now and then we can expect more unexpected news as the New Moon opposes Uranus/Mars in the US chart, and transit representing, “unexpected events,” creating anger and frustration among allies and other countries.

Events will continue to unfold as the planet of communication retrogrades throughout December. On December 21, the final eclipse of the year will occur at 29 degrees of Gemini. Author/Astrologer Celeste Teal calls this eclipse, “Intellectual Values,’ and states in part, “eclipse in last degree of sign; resolving old issues, foreign agreements, religious, or educational matters,][erratic pace of incoming information,][The eclipse is of emphasis for Afghanistan, Japan, North Korea, Palestine, Vatican City, Phoenix, Australia, Cuba, Israel, Manhattan, and NYC.]

To view Wikileak cables-


Past Posts New Moon-retrograde Mercury


Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Moon in Sagittarius-Wide Open Spaces!

December’s New Moon falls at 13 degrees of Sagittarius on December 5, 2010, at 12:36 PM, EST. Sagittarius is the natural ruler of the ninth house of governments ‘world thinking,’ philosophy, education, travel, and medicine. You don’t have to take a physical trip on this New Moon to you can go there in your mind. The theme of this moon is, ‘Wide Open Spaces,” whether physically traveling or taking a mind trip and time to expand your thinking. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, the harbinger of expansion, optimism, and increase. The New Moon typically represents new beginnings and this will be the case for those born under the sign of the Golden Archer on some level, as this new moon falls in their first house of self and new starts.

There are a couple of transits that occur before and after the New Moon that bear notice, and will influence the New Moon. On December 2-3 Mars squares Uranus at 25-26 degrees of Sagittarius/Pisces. Mars-Uranus is an explosive combination and Uranus is the planet of ‘expect the unexpected.’ Do not be surprised if you feel agitated, edgy, angry and experience some unexpected events, twists and turns, and we will likely see this transit play our on the world stage on our living room wide screens. Mars-Uranus usually refers to police/ military action and threats or violence. Several countries around the world that are known ‘hot spots,’ show the potential for violence and in the US chart the New Moon opposes Uranus, and we may expect the unexpected in terms of news and issues that relate to women.

December 6-7 Mercury is conjunct Pluto at 4 degrees of Capricorn. This is a combination for getting to the bottom of any matter that may concern you, and tends toward obsessive thinking and investigation. Capricorn rules the earth, itself, as well as business and banking and we will likely be focused on these issues or on issues that you on a personal level. Mercury rules automobiles and transportation and I would advise caution while driving. This transit will play out on the world stage in the form of argumentativeness, issues being revealed, accidents, natural disasters, investigations, and Pluto rules the media. Mercury is starting it’s stationary retrograde period and it is likely that we will be retracing our steps and looking at information we have known about before. Mercury is within 2 degrees of Pluto from December 5-15, so this transit will exert it’s influence for an extended period of time.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Retrograde Mercury - On It’s Way Again!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water… Venus finally went direct, and now..the planet of communication (and mis-communication!) will go backward. Well, it doesn’t actually go backward, that’s just an expression, but at times it may seem to.

The final retrograde Mercury of 2010 will occur December 10-30 of this year. The Winged God will be stationary retrograde at 5 degrees of Capricorn December 9-13, turning retrograde on the 10th. It will retrograde back into Sagittarius at 29 degrees on December 19, and it will turn stationary direct at 19 degrees December 19- January 1, 2011, going direct on December 30.

The planet of communication retrogrades 3 or 4 times each year. During this time equipment breaks down, miscommunication occurs, situations breakdown, delays occur, relationships break up, and people from the past, as well as situations from the past occasionally reappear. It is wise not to make major decisions, buy high ticket items, make commitments, start a job, get married or sign contracts during this time. This theory has been tested many times over—by me!. Act now and you will regret it later, if you can avoid doing so! Occasionally, this can work in your favor, but as a rule it is best to be aware of the ramifications of this energy and act accordingly.

Retrograde Mercury is a time of re-accessing situations, people, jobs, bank accounts and any number of other things. It is a time to reflect on the past, perhaps plan, but it is not yet the time to implement new goals or move forward. That time will come when this important planet moves forward again.

The most important time during retrograde Mercury is the stationary retrograde and stationary direct period. This is when you should be most aware of the powerful energy this planet is beaming down on you. Snafus are most likely to occur, decisions most likely to change, unexpected events come up, and delays occur at the beginning and end of this period.

You will be most affected by this retrograde if you have a personal planet being aspected by 5 degrees of Capricorn during the stationary retrograde phase, or 19 degrees of Sagittarius when it goes direct.

So, what exactly does this mean to YOU? It means get prepared. Try and wrap up important matters, and if you are shopping for gifts you have until December 10, and that late date is pushing your luck! If you shop later in the month, your gift may well turn up in the returned section December 26! Try and wrap up contracts, legal matters, yearend business of greatest importance, and plan to take a break early in the month-at least early in terms of your affairs running smoothly. Ideally, this year, the planets are calling for the last three weeks of the year spent in reflection and reevaluation of what our greatest priorities are, including our business priorities.

From December 9-13 Mercury is stationary retrograde at 5 degrees of Capricorn, and astrologer/Author Carol Rushman writes, “ while the mental process may be slower and more deliberate, good decisions are made due to caution and much soul-searching. There can be a tendency toward negativity and depression at this time. Organization and planning can be done in an effective manner. Thoughts of career and work opportunities can consume you.”

Mercurial energy will change however, on December 19-January 13, 2011, as Mercury enters Sagittarius and goes direct at 19 degrees on the 30th. Author Rushman states, “The mind may turn to spiritual matters. Fervor, idealism and optimism can manifest. Thoughts of travel to far off places may consume you. There may be a strong need to communicate your ideas with Mercury stationing in Sagittarius, and there is also an inclination to exaggerate and elaborate on your ideas.”

Mercury does not return to full steam ahead until it reaches the degree at which it turned retrograde, 5 degrees in Capricorn. We do not get back to this degree until January 18, which is the perfect time to initiate your new business endeavors and matters of priority, and move forward full steam ahead for 2011.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kate Middleton-The Woman Who Would be Queen

UK’s Prince William announced his intentions to marry longtime companion Kate Middleton in Spring/Summer 2011, and the wedding is expected to be the most celebrated since Princess Di married William’s father, Prince Charles 30 years ago.
Born on January 9, 1982, Kate has a 17 degree Capricorn Sun, with a moon in Cancer. On the outside she may appear practical, sensible and tough, on the inside she is super sensitive to the comments and actions of others. Slight this woman and you may be forgiven on the outside, but the slight will never be forgotten by her. Home, family and a partner are of primary concern to Kate, and it is in these areas she is destined to focus her attention.

With her Cancer moon, Kate probably feels an intuitive rapport with the Prince’s deceased Mother, Diana. In interviews she spoke of having wished she could have met her. Had the two actually met, I have no doubt they would have bonded and loved each other. In death, Princess Diana will likely serve as a role model for Kate, and someone she will often think about.

Kate’s Jupiter is trine her moon and sextile her Sun. This combination gives her an element of luck in marriage, with a generally positive outlook, a planetary combination she shares with her soon to be husband, Prince William. Jupiter in Scorpio is lucky for money and means she is capable of keeping secrets.

Venus and Mercury in Aquarius square her Jupiter meaning Kate has the ability to socialize and communicate with people from all walks of life, and can be very charming when the occasion arises.

Life has not always been a bed of roses for Kate, and she has some more difficult transits in her birth chart, as well. Her Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Libra square her moon. The moon represents the home and early familial conditioning and in some senses it must have been difficult, bleak, and disciplined. An undercurrent of tension and control would have been present, and she must have butted heads with her parents more than average during her growing up years. Through these tense times she would have experienced depression, setbacks and frustration. She is prone to depression, and will always be torn between her heart and her head.

During her childhood Kate learned to control through manipulation, or be controlled. Pluto-Moon individuals can be very intense, controlling and obsessive in achieving their goals. This lady is no wallflower and when married she will make her wants and desires known. When Mars and Pluto are prominent in a chart the individual usually arouses antagonism from those around him/her and usually ends up in some major power struggles. Mars/Moon individuals are easily ‘stirred up,’ and can often have emotional disruptions, quarrels in the home and the home can sometimes become a battleground. Saturn in Libra however will curb these tendencies, and place a great deal of focus on responsibility and duty. Ironically, she shares the same configuration with her husband to be, and the two should have a great deal of understanding toward one another, and toward each other’s moods and mood swings. On some core levels her growing up years were not dissimilar to William’s.

Kate’s chart is similar to William’s due to their proximity in birth, being born less than six months apart. They both have a Cancer moon, which gives them an intuitive rapport with each other. With William’s moon lying in her seventh house, along with his one degree Cancer Sun, the two were destined to be together. With Saturn squaring both of their moons, they are able to suppress their feelings and focus on duty and responsibility. Sometimes Saturn- Moon combinations mean the relationship is focused too much upon responsibility, and too little on love, or the love feelings will never be fully expressed with one another. But, to a large degree, royal marriages have always been about responsibility. Their chart similarities are both good and bad. In a positive sense they have an emotional connection many people would envy. On the other hand, their moods will fluctuate at the same time and if one is experiencing a difficult time emotionally, the other will be going through a similarly difficult period as well.

Both Kate and Prince William are entering their first Saturn return period. During this time Saturn returns to the place it occupies in the birth chart. This time marks a period of transformation and maturation through hardships and obstacles. It often becomes a period of ‘forced maturity.’ This is the transit that separates those over 30 from those under 30, and is a major turning point in life. The Saturn return period will continue through fall of 2011.

While the two have announced their intensions to marry in spring or summer of 2011, it will not be an easy path to the wedding alter. The two will be under a great deal of pressure. They both are currently experiencing Uranus square Neptune, a transit that creates a lack of focus, lack of clarity and would break up a less committed couple.

By May 2011 the couple will both have Saturn conjunct Mars, a transit that confers determination and the ability to work long and hard to achieve their goals. It is also a transit of disharmony and agitation, and has the potential to create harshness in personal relationships. It is called the accidental transit,’ and can be indicative of mishaps, and often feelings of enmity arise. Saturn-Mars is a combination that can involve police or military. While her time of birth has not been published, it is likely that Saturn is squaring Kate’s moon next spring-summer. This is a transit of depression, loneliness, moodiness and indicative of issues and problems with women and female family members. None of these transits are actually favorable for a marriage.

When Uranus enters Aries in March of 2011 it will square William’s Sun at 0 degrees of Cancer, and by June it is squaring his moon. Individuals under this influence often undergo a change of lifestyle, and can become erratic in their behavior. Uranus represents ‘freedom at any cost,’ and it is not uncommon for a change of objectives to occur. A man undergoing Uranus’ square to his moon will often go through emotional ups and downs and indecisions, and sometimes his wife/fiancée will do unusual things or be a source of trouble. It is an aspect of disruption in the home and indicative of unexpected events and instability, and difficult situations relating to women and female family members.

Both William and Kate will face many unexpected difficulties and ups and downs as Uranus in Aries will oppose their Mars, Saturn and Pluto over the next seven years. Pluto in Capricorn will square the same planets over the course of the next few years creating frustrating circumstances, many of which will be beyond their control. Hopefully, they will have the determination to see the course through. They will have to work hard to maintain the marriage. 2012 will be an especially harsh period as Pluto squares the Mars of both parties at 10 degrees of Libra. This is a transit of personal power struggles and confrontations, and with Mars in Libra it is likely the struggles will be with each other.

Jupiter enters Aries and Taurus next year. While transiting through Aries it travels through William’s fifth house of children and when it enters Taurus in June it will transit Kate’s fifth house of children. It would not surprise me if another royal announcement was forthcoming next year: the birth of a new Prince or Princess!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November 2010: Full Moon in Taurus

The energy of the full moon in Taurus will begin to build by mid-week as the Sun squares Neptune at 25 degrees of Scorpio Wed-Saturday, November 17-20, becoming exact Friday, November 19. When a transiting aspect becomes exact, the energy reaches a culmination or a peak, and after it crosses the exact degree, the energy is still prominent, but lessening in its effect as the two planets begin to separate from one another.

Sun square Neptune energy creates a tiring and somewhat debilitating effect, and fact becomes harder to discern from fiction. Often, situations as well as communication become muddled, or outright lies may emerge. It is certainly a time of low energy, frustration, and feeling hopeless or confused. Psychic abilities and creativity could be enhanced, and it could be a time of increased compassion for those less fortunate. Issues with water may become prominent and we will likely see weather related conditions in the news involving some form of H20.

By Thursday, Mars and Mercury are within 1 degree of being conjunct (together at the exact degree), and Saturday through Monday, November 20-22 the God of War (Mars) is standing next to the Messenger of the Gods (Mercury) at 16, 17 and 18 degrees of Sagittarius, respectively. If you have a personal planet in your birth chart being touched by this transit, it may be a frustrating and irritating few days with the potential for arguments and disagreements.

Mars-Mercury in Sagittarius will be a few days where things can be blown out of proportion, arguments and debates will abound and it is an accident prone combination that can relate to cars and travel. This transit is exact on the Full Moon creating potential for hostility as the moon reaches its peak.

The full moon will peak on November 21 at 29 degrees of Taurus at 12:29 PM EST. Taurus is the natural ruler of the second house of money and earned income, and it is in this area our focus will lie in a general sense. The full moon squares Neptune creating a climate of uncertainty, confusion, lack of clarity and on occasion, lies and deception. Believe only half of what you see or hear until this energy passes over. You may feel tired, lethargic, and unable to make clear decisions. Weather related conditions and situations as well as accidents will be in the news.

Alternatively, it can be a time of enhanced compassion for others, bursts of creativity, increased psychic experiences and feelings and being connected to the earth and sensual pleasures. Taurus is ruled by both Venus and Mars and now is the time to schedule a massage, visit the spa or do things you find pleasurable. These are the best and highest uses of the energy.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

November 2010-The Fate of Relationships Revealed

The two planets most often looked at will both move forward on November 18, making it a bonanza day, in terms of planetary action! This year, both Venus, the ruler of your love life, and Jupiter, the planet of gain, money and finance go direct on the same day creating a powerful effect on our love lives, social lives and to some extent our financial lives.
Venus, the ruler of your day to day love life, has been retrograde since October 8. The Venus retrograde period, occurring every 18 months, is often filled with romantic twists and turns, separations, breakups and changes of heart and direction in matters of the heart. Often during this time, ‘karmic events,’ play out in relationships, showing you the true destiny of your connection with that important person in your life. Sometimes, the connection is not what we hoped for, but if a change occurs as this time that is not what you expected, know that the true path of your connection is being revealed to you now.

Retrograde Venus is probably the most important influence as far as your love life is concerned, as the actions that occur during this six week period or so lay the groundwork for future interaction, and often show us the person we are involved with will not live up to our expectations. At times, sudden and unpredictable events will occur that shake the foundation of the relationships to the core. It is best to let events play out and realize that destiny is at work. Destiny can take some unexpected twists and turns and if it appears your relationship is taking a tour South, let the events play out and let destiny lead you to another person who will be more appropriate in the future. Retrograde Venus is a time of karmic interplay and the planets have a powerful and profound effect at this time.

At no time is Venus more powerful than the period known as the ‘stationary direct,’ period that begins on November 18. Venus goes direct at 27 degrees of Libra, and if ‘the planet of love,’ is making a harsh aspect in your chart you may see a relationship go by the wayside, or through a period of turmoil and change. Alternatively, if Venus is making a positive aspect to a personal planet in your chart, your existing relationship may soar to a new level or you could meet someone very significant during this time. A stationary direct Venus aspecting your personal planets could be one of the most significant times of your life in terms of meeting someone new.

If you are seeing someone you meet during or around the time Venus went retrograde you will start to know the direction the relationship will take as Venus starts her direct motion next week. Relationships begun during a retrograde Venus often end when the planet goes direct. It is often said the love energy is not ever expressed very well in a relationship begun on a retrograde Venus. There could be an exception if you were born with a retrograde Venus, but the other party might not have been.

On the other hand, if your love life has stalled during this time, as Venus resumes direct motion things can start to pick up. A relationship that has a solid base should not be substantially affected, and bad ones may end during this period altogether.

While Venus official goes direct on November 18, she will not resume normal speed until she reaches the point she turned retrograde, which is 13 degrees of Scorpio on December 21. So, until then we will still be in the ‘shadow period,’ of Venus as she goes stationary direct and resumes normal speed of about a degree per day. Many of us will be retracing our steps. Until then, Venus will continue to weave her magic spells and lovers will react. May it be a positive experience for you!

Jupiter, the planet of money and gain goes direct on the same day as Venus, going us all a boost of positivity and hopefulness. Jupiter went retrograde on July 23, at 3 degrees of Aries. This action created delays in money and financial matters, and there hasn’t been much positive financial news to been had or seen. Jupiter going direct can increase the flow of money and other areas of gain in your life, especially if it is hitting a positive point in your chart at 23 degrees of Pisces. Jupiter will remain in Pisces until January 22, 2011, helping the Water and Air signs. On January 22, it enters Aires at 0 degrees for a four and a half month stay through the sign of the Ram, benefiting that sign as well as the Fire and Air signs, and those with personal planets being touched off by the 0 degree point of Aries.

November 2010- Saturn Return! Change Comes to the US from Within and Without

Three planets were in the intense sign of Scorpio as we started the month of November-the Sun, Mercury and Venus, and we saw a New Moon at 13 degrees of Scorpio on November 6. Scorpio is the natural ruler of the eighth house of sex, money, other people’s money, debt and taxes, and it is within these realms that we have been and will be focused. The eighth house also rules transformation and regeneration, and often a feeling of ‘forced change.’ Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto and has regenerative qualities. Mars is called the “God of War,” and Pluto is considered the planet of transformation and regeneration, and not without good reason.
Money, debt and taxes and change were definitely on the minds of many as they cast their ballots in the US Mid-term elections November 2, ousting a record number of Democrats and taking control of the US House of Representatives and many state held offices. November 9, President Obama’s bipartisan deficit commission proposed to reduce the annual cost-of-living increases in Social Security, curb the growth of Medicare, and eliminate the primary tax exemption for many American’s—interest on the home mortgage as a tax deduction. Any of these proposals becoming fact would prove debilitating to America’s older citizens, deny access or limit healthcare and cause the housing market to once again come to a standstill as buying or owning a home would cost more, and as a result that many American’s primary tax break would be gone, reducing the incentive to own, and further stress the struggling middle class in America.

Looking at America’s natal chart (July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA) Saturn in Libra is squaring the Sun of the US at 13 degrees of Cancer, becoming exact November 15-23. At 14 degrees of Libra, Saturn conjuncts America’s Saturn at the same degree. This transit is known as a “Saturn return.”

Countries, like people have birth charts, and as the planets transit through the chart of any particular country/entity the energies the planets create are felt on a collective level. Saturn/Sun transits deal with the ego of an individual or a collective and often the individual/entity is forced to prove his ideas valid. Sun-Saturn transits often represent times of critical developments where situations from the outside create challenges that are not always expected. America will face challenges in the areas of the home/property, the personal foundation of the people, and the values the American people embrace of hold to be true. Saturn in Libra will create challenges where the laws and courts are concerned, along with medicine and education as well as finance, and issues abroad. Thus, this period will be extremely important, but not without danger, frustration, hostility and resistance to change.

Saturn conjunct Saturn, known as a Saturn return is a cyclical transit that occurs every 29.5 years as Saturn passes through each of the twelve signs. Saturn returns are usually associated with major changes in the life cycle that include hardships and difficult to solve problems. It marks a transition period where an individual or entity must take responsibility for their actions and work hard to move forward to the future. It is usually associated with frustration, unhappiness, difficult problems, delays, restrictions, anger and sadness.

Saturn rules time. Saturn returning to its birthplace marks a period of accountability for the past 30 years. If we have failed to create a strong foundation the Saturn return will mark a time of upheaval and limitations to make necessary changes. Saturn squaring the Sun/Saturn return also marks a period where the country is more venerable to attacks both from within and without. Values previously held will be questioned and debated. Saturn will return to this same position latter March into April of 2011, and again for a final pass August of 2011. All Saturn cycles last a year.

Next: The Cycles of 2011-A Year of Change in America and the World

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Full Moon in Aries-All About You!

Saturday’s (10-23-10) full moon falls at 29 degrees of Aries. The 29th degree is considered very important and is called the anaretic degree. Wikipedia defines the anaretic degree as, “the final degree of any sign, which is 29 degrees 0 minutes to 29 degrees 59 minutes. This degree or range is considered to be critical, so any planets, angles or celestial bodies placed within that range are likely to display the most extreme attributes of the sign or planet.

Generally, when a planet is posited an anaretic degree, the planet will stand out. It is "taking up the rear", usually being the planet in the chart with the highest degree value. This is not always negative, though it's generally portrayed as such.”

Aries is the natural ruler of the first house of the zodiac representing the self/ the I AM. Its ruler is Mars, ‘the God of War’, thus this will be a fiery full moon with the potential for a great deal of intensity and drama. This is no full moon for wallflowers!

On the positive side, this can be time to get in touch with yourself and your goals and objectives, and on the other end of the spectrum it can represent a time of frustrating action and interaction with individual egos playing a big role in events that will occur. So, step back, take a deep breath and think before acting or responding rashly.

Those most affected by this full moon will be Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn, or anyone who has a personal planet being aspected by 29 degrees of Aries.

Venus is retrograde all month, and this relates to delays, obstacles and problems related to your love life, social life and sometimes money as well, and will play a role in the affairs of some over the full moon period. Venus is retrograde at 9 degrees of Scorpio and if this is creating a harsh aspect to a personal planet in your chart, you may experience difficulties in your love life, as well.

Mars is at 26 degrees of Scorpio and squaring Neptune. Mars square Neptune is a tiring, negative aspect, as a rule and often relates to drama, lack of clarity or lies and deception. Weirdness can sometimes be the norm with a transit like this, and you may find it hard to put one foot in front of the other and keep going. Sleep is a perfect activity for such a configuration! Don’t believe half of what you hear on the news or in your personal life. Relax and let this energy pass before reaching critical decisions. The transit may also bring some unusual weather related conditions involving water that can cause trouble in various parts of the country and the world. This combination also relates to drugs, alcohol, the ‘seamy side of life,’ sex, and very convoluted situations. Mars squares Neptune is exact on October 22, meaning this energy will start several days before the full moon. Full moon energy can begin as much as 5-7 days before the actual lunar peak.

On the other hand, Mars/Neptune can relate to psychic awareness, precognition, creativity, and traveling the depths of the spiritual realms. But, it takes a steady and stable individual to experience Mars-Neptune in the manner, but this is the highest and best use of this configuration.

To know the exact implications of the full moon an astrologer would have to be able to look at your chart. But, in a general sense the full moon will affect the Sun signs in the following manner;

Aries-The focus will be on the desires of the self, and relationships. It is a time of finishing up things that were started last month and moving forward with new objectives.

Taurus- The focus is upon thoughts and ideas that are prominent in the subconscious mind, spending time alone and reflection, work, health issues. The potential exists to visit a Dr. or hospital, and things that are secret and hidden could come to the forefront.

Gemini-The focus in on friends, hopes and wishes, groups and organizations and relationships or children.

Cancer-The focus is on the home and family, as well as personal foundation and career related issues, and work.

Leo-the focus is travel, education, legal or contractual matters, health related or medical issues, as well as general view of life, communication, neighbors, immediate family members or co-workers.

Virgo-The focus is money, taxes, debt, other people’s money, corporate money, and earned income as well as self image, and issues relating to sex.

Libra-The focus is relationships and partnerships, both personal and professional, possibly courts and open enemies in some cases.

Scorpio-The focus will be health/diet issues, work, service to others, and issues that are in the subconscious mind.

Sagittarius- The focus is friendships, children or love affairs, entertainment, hopes and wishes.

Capricorn-The focus will be the home and foundation, endings, and work related situations.

Aquarius- The focus will be the mind and thought processes, communication, immediate family members or neighbors, travel, education and legal or medical situations.

Pisces-The focus will be on money, earned income, taxes, debts and other people’s money.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Moon in Libra-The Planet of Love steps Back!

The Planet of Love Steps Back

Thursday’s (October 7) New Moon at 14 degrees of Libra will ‘kick off,’ the Venus retrograde period this year. The focus will be on relationships and partnerships of all kinds during this time, bringing unresolved issues to the surface. Venus, the planet ruling love and affection goes retrograde every 18 months. It was last retrograde March 6-April 17 of 2009 in Aries and Pisces.

By Friday, October 8, the official start of the retrograde for Venus, many of us will face a ‘reality check,’ where our most intimate unions are concerned, as the planet of communication (Mercury) line up in a conjunction with Saturn, the taskmaster, always a transit of harsh realities.

The Shadow Period

Venus has however, been in its shadow retrograde period since September 5th, and this shadow period will actually extend until December 20. The shadow period is when Venus must retrace its steps, or degrees, to the degree at which it actually moves forward again, in this case 27 degrees of Libra. Thus, we may literally be ‘retracing our steps,’ as well.

Fated Events and Situations

Venus is the planet that rules our love lives, as well as beauty, art, artistic effort, diplomacy, values and it is one of the two financial planets. Venus is currently in Scorpio at 13 degrees and will officially retrograde October 8 through November 18. It isn’t just Mercury that retrogrades, the other planets retrograde as well. When Venus retrogrades issues concerning love and relationships become more intense and it often seems that fate intervenes and people sometimes find themselves in situations concerning love where events beyond their control take over-this is the fate or karma of the relationship and events are often revealed that will show the true path the couple will take in the future.

Venus retrogrades about every 18 months. The most important period is the stationary retrograde period when Venus is starting to retrograde at 13 degrees of Scorpio October 5-11, and the stationary direct period when it is about to move forward again at 27 degrees of Libra November 15-23.

On October 5-6, Venus is stationary retrograde as it lines up with Mars in Scorpio at 13 degrees, making these few days before and after a very powerful time emotionally.

When Venus retrogrades fate is often revealed. Relationships can slow down. Bad ones can end altogether. If your relationship is solid you may experience very little, and it can become an experience that strengthens the union, as you work through issues and concerns together.

This is a very powerful phase for those in love, in relationships or looking for love. It is a time or re-accessing and revaluating our relationships. Even if you and the object of your affection are on solid ground you could suddenly get cold feet. Sometimes people change partners. But, if your relationship is basically sound you will most likely be fine.

Venus is retrograde in Scorpio until November 8. Venus is at her detriment in that sign, making the cycle even more auspicious. While in Scorpio, feelings will be intense. Scorpio is the natural ruler of the eighth house of joint monies and sex, and issues may arise within these areas. Scorpio is a fixed sign, so decisions that are reached at this time may be rigid and decisive. Scorpio energy can be intense, brooding, vindictive and jealous.

Venus retrogrades into Libra on November 9-18 when she goes stationary direct. Libra is the natural ruler of the seventh house of partnerships and marriage as well as courts and open enemies. During the time Venus is retrograde in Libra, she will be in a more fortunate period than Scorpio, as Libra is her own sign. Tendencies toward moodiness, vindictiveness and obsessiveness or jealousy will be reduced. While in Libra and more balance will be sought. Tastes and affections will become more refined and Libra is a strategizer.

During a Venus retrograde period the things that Venus influences will be less apparent and visual sensibilities can be reduced. This is not the time to buy jewelry, art, expensive clothing or decorations, give big parties, get married or have plastic surgery. Since Venus rules the courts, legal situations can slow down as can diplomatic efforts. Unresolved issues come forward and demand resolution. It may be more difficult to express ourselves socially. Venus is the lesser of the two money planets, and money will not flow as freely during this period.

Both Venus and the other financial planet, Jupiter, go direct on the same day this year, November 18. At this time we can start the process of resuming our normal social affairs and lives, and the flow of money will start to pick up as well. On December 1, 2010 Venus will move back into Scorpio for the next 38 days, a placement that works well for all the Water and Earth signs, but especially Cancer.

Friday, October 1, 2010

October 2010-The Fate of Relationships

October 2010 begins with the Sun conjunct Saturn, a day of reality, potential frustration and responsibility. Mercury opposing Uranus through the third, will bring unexpected news and situations along with weather related accidents and incidents and we are facing major flooding on the East Coast and in North Carolina with 5 deaths already reported at the time of this post. This is a transit of mental expansion, or alternatively it can turn to agitation and it is important to watch out for travel related accidents of all kinds.

Sunday, October third the planet of communication enters Libra, where the energy will shift toward more balance in all types of communications and many of us will start to focus more on relationships, as Libra is the sign ruling unions of all types. Also on that day Mars and Venus will conjunct, or line up together at 12-13 degrees of Scorpio through October 6. This is a transit that will spark interest in sex, or the opposite sex but it is an aggressive combination, and does not represent tender love. If you are in a relationship that is not working well, expect problems.

Tuesday, October 5, Mercury squares Pluto, an obsessive combination and many people will be trying to get to the bottom of the matter. It is harsh for relationships, arguments could occur, but it opens the door for resolution. Pluto relates to sex, the darker side of life and transformation. This transit will manifest in the world as accidents, debate and arguments about the law, laws, governments and threats may be made.

October’s new moon falls on Thursday October 7, at 2:44 PM EST at 14 degrees in Libra, making it all about relationships, and starting the Venus retrograde period, with intensity. Those most affected by this moon will be the cardinal signs: Cancer will be dealing with issues related to new beginnings/endings and the home, Capricorns, will focus on the house of career and priorities, and Aries, will be dealing with relationships. Libras will be starting a cycle of personal new beginnings.

The following day, Friday, October 8, Venus, the planet of love, officially goes retrograde in the sign of her detriment. In other words, while Venus in Scorpio may relate to sex and intensity, the sign does not favor the planet that rules love. On the same day, (Oct 8-9) Mercury conjuncts Saturn. This combination represents a reality check for relationships, as well as other matters in general. If your relationship is limping along, or you are in a questionable union this day may bring further problems or end it altogether. The planets are lining up to weed the negative relationships out of your life and enable you to make room for something more positive. Reality will be the key word for the day, and it is not always what we want to see. The good relationships will become stronger as it will be a period to work through issues and create more balance.

Karma and Fate in Relationships

In a general sense when Venus retrogrades love energy becomes more intense and the drama can begin. It is a period when seemingly fated events occur, sometimes appearing to be beyond the control of the parties involved. Relationships can slow down or end. Sometimes those from our past can reappear. It is a time of reviewing and re-accessing your love life. Changes occur, and people can switch their affections and partners. The karma (karma=the universal will, what will ultimately be) of the relationship will play out during this period. Unresolved issues come to the forefront to be resolved one way or another.

Venus retrogrades about every 18 months. The most important period is the stationary retrograde period when Venus retrogrades at 13 degrees of Scorpio October 5-11, and the stationary direct period when it is about to move forward again at 27 degrees of Libra November 15-23. If Venus goes stationary direct on a personal planet in your chart or your Sun you may well meet someone significant at this time. A retrograde Venus is not the time to get married, have plastic surgery, buy art, jewelry or items ruled by Venus. Money matters may be slowed down as well.

If you begin a new relationship on a retrograde Venus the love energy may never be fully expressed or when Venus goes direct the relationship may change or end. That is, unless you were born with a retrograde Venus, but the other party in question may not have been. Venus was last retrograde March 5, 2009-April 17, 2009.

All month both Venus and Mars are in Scorpio. (Mars enters Sagittarius October 29) making this a special month for water signs.(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) Scorpio is an intense sign and is associated with sex and sexual attraction. When Mars and Venus are in duo together and in a sign compatible to you, it is a significant time to meet someone special. This combination will work especially well for Cancer or Cancer ascendant, as this places the planets of love in your fifth house of love affairs! Bear in mind of course, that Venus is retrograde.

Other important Dates

On October 15, 16 the Sun conjuncts Mercury, making this a day of intense communication. Mercury is associated with accidents, so this is another day to be careful. Some mental agitation is possible. On October 18, Mercury trines Neptune garnering compassion for those less fortunate. A banner day for creativity and your intuition will be in overdrive. On October 19, the Sun’s trine to Neptune brings out sensitivity, compassion and creativity.

October 21, the planet of communication enters Scorpio. Mercury in Scorpio will intensify communication and mental energy for the next 29 days and places 3 planets in Scorpio. October 25 the Sun enters Scorpio, and for a few days nearly half of the planets are in the sign ruling sex. Pay attention Cancers! October 20, 21 Mars trines Jupiter, a lucky transit, and a good transit for money and optimism. Make your luck count because on October 22, Mars squares Neptune creating a tiring, depressing energy. Neptune is the planet of illusion, confusion and deception and believe half of what you hear and doubt that. Let the energy pass and things will soon return to normal.

Full Moon Maddness
October’s full moon occurs on October 23, at 29 degrees of Aries. This full moon will be a humdinger, as Aries is a fire sign and events will happen quickly. Mars is still squaring Neptune at 26 degrees of Aquarius creating an atmosphere of confusion, lack of clarity, and the overall effect is debilitating. Lies will be abundant, as will mis-communication. Water related events may unfold in the world and there will be a lot of anger, and potential violence at the various hot spots that exist around the planet. It is a time to be careful in every way, and let the frustration and agitation pass over you, as opposed to becoming part of it. Channeled constructively it could be a day of creative thinking with a focus on spirituality.

On October 24/25 Mars trines Uranus. This is exciting, positive energy and sometimes signifies new projects that can be exciting. There could be a focus on travel, technology or unique subjects. October 25, Mercury conjuncts Venus, creating a time to talk about love and affection. It is also good for social activities, creativity and money matters. October 26, the Sun sextiles Pluto bringing intensity and focus to situations, and October 29 the Sun conjuncts Venus, again creating a focus on love and money. Another good day for romance and social events, but bear in mind that Venus is retrograde and it could be a day of re-accessing and reviewing and resolving issues and problems from the past. Happy October, make the most of it!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Full Moon in Aries- Packing a Punch

Thursday’s (09-23-10) full moon at 0 degrees of Aries promises to be a humdinger. The 0 degree of Aries is significant and is considered a ‘world point,’ thus, events are at risk of occurring that will involve the world as a collective on some level. This full moon comes just house after the fall equinox, thus becoming the first full moon of the Fall.

Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars, the ‘God of War.’ We are likely to see incidents around the US and the world involving fire, military/police action and general argumentiveness. This full moon squares Pluto which rules the ‘dark side’ of life and often a full moon square Pluto uncovers situations in the world and our personal lives that were previously hidden or unknown. It rules sex, secrets, oil, nuclear energy and all sorts of psychological issues, and a full moon square will bring these issues to the surface and often creates power struggles.

The planets have been in some complex patterns for a while now, and I hate to say nothing will be simple or serene about this moon in most cases. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and rules the individual and the ego. There will likely be many confrontations of an egotistical nature, and it is important to remember to not react from a place of pure ego.

Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct (together) in Pisces at 28 degrees. Whatever Jupiter touches, it expands. The last time we had this configuration in late spring we saw massive flooding in Nashville, TN and other areas. Pisces rules the 12th house of secrets, hospitals, institutions, drugs, and of course water and it can rule the seamy side of life. On the positive end, a transit like this can represent great creative and spiritual inspiration for some, depending upon your bent. It does not go unnoticed at this time that Pakistan faces a grave humanitarian crisis due to massive flooding in spite of the lack of media coverage of the situation and international support to that country. It is a shame the world has not responded to Pakistan in their hour of need. Most of the individuals in that country are not Taliban members, but merely human beings whose lives are being washed away with the flood waters. Pisces can also relate to infectious disease and it not impossible that the crisis in that country will be further complicated over the next number of days with the spread of diseases due to lack of sanitation. Or, there could be incidents of disease in other areas.

Full moon energy can begin as much as 5-7 days before the full moon occurs and for the same length of time after. This full moon is further complicated by the fact we have some difficult transits in the preceding days.

On Saturday, September 25/26, the Sun squares Pluto. This is a transit fraught with power struggles, and when Pluto is involved anything not working may collapse totally at this time, whether it be machinery or personal situations. It is a transit of ultimate change, and there is a great deal of seething anger in the world that may become ignited. This is a transit that could trigger the Mars (war) energy of this full moon.

Thursday, September 30, the Sun conjuncts Saturn at 6 degrees of Libra. This is a depressing, tiring transit. There may be events relating to the Democratic-Republican parties and it squares the financial planets in the US creating the possibility of negative financial news.

Friday, October 1, Mercury opposes Jupiter. This can be a transit of optimism or over-optimism or over-promising. Situations may be blown out of proportion, but taking that into account it can be used constructively.

Sunday, October, 2 Mercury opposes Uranus This is a high energy mental transit, and ideas may flow. If that is the case write them down, as they will leave quickly and you may forget. It is conducive to accidents of all kind/weather related accidents, and could involve aircraft. We will likely hear news that is unexpected. Mental states may change quickly turning into anxiety or upset. Use the utmost caution if you are driving a vehicle.

Those most affected by this full moon will be the Cardinal Signs-Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer, especially if you are born within the first 5 days (5 degrees) of your sign.