
Astrology provides a great tool to help us understand why and how good things and bad happen to us as individuals and as a collective. Enjoy my free astrology column, and feel free to contact me to purchase your own personalized chart and reading. Or visit my site at http://www.lesliehale-astrology.com/

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2010- Threats, Information Revealed, and Following the Money

The 12th month of the year begins as Venus, the planet of love, enters Scorpio. Love feelings and energy will intensify as Venus transits this sign, and it works best for Cancer (and other water sign), as it transits the Crab’s fifth house of love affairs. Venus is still in the ‘shadow period,’ of it’s retrograde and won’t resume full speed ahead until December 21.

December 2, Mercury enters Capricorn. Mercury rules our minds and communication, and it will enter it’s retrograde on December 10.

December 3-4 Mars squares Uranus at 26 degrees of Pisces-Sagittarius. This is transit of unexpected, explosive events, anger agitation and accidents that will affect you personally, and no doubt play out on the world stage. Mars sextiles Neptune the same days, giving things a more spiritual and humanitarian twist, had holds great potential for creativity.

December 5 brings a New Moon in Sagittarius and a theme of ‘wide open spaces.’ Sagittarius is the most freedom seeking of all signs and the sign of expansion. It rules the ninth house of philosophy, travel, publishing, medicine, and world views. http://lesliehale.blogspot.com/2010/11/november-2010-full-moon-in-taurus.html

December 6-7 Mercury conjuncts Pluto as it retrogrades back by one degree. Mercury-Pluto can be obsessive and compulsive in nature, and seeks to find answers. Don’t be surprised if your mind is occupied by a single thought or situation for 48 hours. Be careful of accidents, arguments, and look for information to be revealed that was previously unknown. On the world stage this will play out in the form of debate and argument, accidents, information relating to business and banking and no doubt the WIkileaks story will be in the media, along with the media itself. These will be major news days. http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=3824170277196793127&postID=6793290705562599605

December 7, the Sun sextiles Saturn, a good day for serious matters, discussions and taking care of responsibilities. You will have added energy to take care of business.

December 8, Venus sextiles Pluto, creating a more emotional, intense feeling where love and money are concerned.

Also on December 8, Mars enters Capricorn, the sign of business, banking, and ‘taking care of business.’ Attitudes will become more somber and conservative.

December 10, Mercury retrogrades at 5 degrees of Capricorn. http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=3824170277196793127&postID=2639059018245670335
December 14, Mars conjuncts Pluto and retrograde Mercury at 4 degrees of Capricorn. This may well turn out to be one of the most significant days of the month. This is a day you need to be aware of yourself and your surroundings. The energy is volatile, potentially violent, accident prone, argumentative and you will see, and possibly experience the anger that will be present in the world. Be careful of driving, traveling, getting into arguments, accidents, and best keep a calm mind and let this energy pass. It is a powerful transit and the energy is not limited to one day, but rather a few days before and a few days after. Transits do not have to be exact for events to occur. If it is setting off a personal planet in your chart, you need to be especially careful. This will be a major news day. Pluto rules nuclear energy/the media/gangs/sex/powerful forces, and we are at risk globally of violence, threats of violence, disasters, earth shifts, rabid debate and argument, and news from Europe and domestically about the money markets and issues concerning the global economy. It opposes Venus and Jupiter in the US chart and is not a good omen.

December 18, the Sun sextiles Neptune, a day of high creativity for some, feelings of compassion for others and those less fortunate. Great for psychics. Also, the Sun squares Jupiter, a transit generally pleasant in nature, but lends itself to over-doing and over expansion in all things. (Potentially your waistline and your stories?)

December 21, the Winter Solstice and lunar eclipse at 29 degrees of Gemini. Celeste Teal is a well known author of eclipses, and calls this eclipse, “Intellectual Values.” She writes, “As Lord of the Eclipse, retrograde Mercury signifies youthful persons, the witty, the jokester or the thief. It emphasizes communication, travel and transit, literary and educational persons. May be the loss or death of a writer, professor, or illustrious person. Eclipse in last degree of sign: resolving old issues, foreign agreements, religious or educational matters. Fortunate for publications of mysticism. For the USA focus in financial sectors. Erratic pace of incoming information. Nerves high-strung. May be mechanical malfunctions. Imaginative movements in music and entertainment. This eclipse of emphasis for Afghanistan, Japan, North Korea, Palestine, Vatican City, Phoenix, Australia, Cuba, Israel, Manhattan, and NYC.”

December 22, Mercury squares Jupiter. This transit is generally pleasant but tends to overexpansion, over doing and over spending. Good times, but keep it in check!

December 26, the Sun conjuncts Pluto. This transit is prone to intensity, power struggles, threats, and feelings of ‘forced change.’ It opposes the Jupiter and Venus of the US, bringing news of money matters, potential news from abroad, and is not indicative to peace on Earth.

December 29-30 Mars Squares Saturn. (Mercury goes direct on December 30.) This is a transit of frustration, irritation, arguments and debates. Potential news of money and business problems.

Note-December is a frustrating month for many this year, and we will see many global events that affect our lives and business. In spite of it all, in difficult times we have the ability to focus on our own lives and families, pushing ahead to create harmony, peace and happiness. May this be your path, and may your month be filled with joy and happiness and good times for you and your family. Happy New Year! Leslie

“Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth.”

Martin H. Fischer

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