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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Saturn’s opposition to Uranus/Jupiter, and it’s square to Pluto that we are currently experiencing, is propelling us as individuals, as well as a collective toward change in our lives, and freedom from the things, people and situations we may find oppressive, or have outlived their usefulness.
This grand cosmic square, whose planetary influence we are all under encompasses four major planets in the signs of Libra, the natural ruler of the seventh house of relationships, Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, ruled by the “God of War” and indicative of the self-the ego-and the individual- who will make his or her voice heard, as well as Pluto in Capricorn, a force that will bring tensions and power struggles to the surface.

Jupiter in opposition to Saturn will cause us to become more conservative, and view situations through a realistic, if not pessimistic manner for the time. Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus is a combination of retraction and reflection upon past events/situations.

Uranus will insure that some of the situations we experience seem to happen suddenly and unexpectedly and without apparent warning. It is the planet of freedom and rebellion and its purpose is to end situations that are no longer really working.

Pluto will bring issues to the forefront and it creates situations that we often find beyond our control and out of our control. ‘The God of the Underworld,’ often brings power struggles and intense feelings and is sometimes called, ‘the planet of vengeance,’ creating some deeply intense emotional situations.
Saturn is the ’taskmaster,’ as well as the planet that brings us lasting stability and structure. It is the past, and it is currently in conflict with Uranus, the planet of the future and ‘freedom at all costs.’

So, if you are feeling confused, it is no wonder with all of these different energies coming together at one time. It is a once in a lifetime configuration, and a once in a lifetime opportunity to find a new way out of the old patterns that you wish to change. If this configuration is hitting a personal planet in your chart, change will occur one way or another, with or without you being on board. So, grab a ticket and take a seat of a train called changes. Positive change occurs the fastest for those who ‘go with the flow,’ so to speak. If one door closes, it is because there are three more in the distance opening for you to walk through.

Add to this mix, the planet Mars, the “God of War,” entering Libra on Friday, July 30 at 0-1 degrees. It will conjunct Saturn, oppose Uranus/Jupiter and square Pluto. The combination is harsh, and decisions will come to a head. This is a transit that will force many to reexamine their relationships and if the situation has been unsatisfactory an ending may occur at this time. This configuration will occur July 30-August 2.

On August 3-August 7 Mars opposes Jupiter/Squares Pluto. This transit is inductive of power struggles, issues coming to the surface, anger and confrontation. Everything will seem exaggerated with Jupiter in the mix. Situations can end or ultimately come to a greater understanding for moving forward.

On August 8-10 Venus enters Libra/conjuncting Saturn opposing Uranus-Saturn-Venus can cement situations or bring them to an end. Venus rules love and money, and it is in these areas change will occur. The combination is harsh, if not realistic where relationships are concerned.

On August 11 Venus squares Pluto-This transit is indication of upsets, jealousies, and brings issues to the forefront especially in relationships and partnerships. Previously unknown incidents may surface. Situations will not be experienced on a surface level this day.

Those most affected by these transits will have personal planets in their chart that are being aspected, or born in the early degrees of the cardinal signs. Aries-March 21-25, Cancer, June 22-26, Libra, September 24-28, and Capricorn December 22-26.

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