We end the month of July with the volatile God of War (Mars) opposing Uranus/conjunct Saturn, and this explosive and repressive energy continues to stir up havoc and create unexpected situations around the world and in our personal charts through the first few days of August. Mars/Saturn transits generally refer to some type of police or military situation and we are at risk of explosive incidents popping up without warning. It is a dangerous aspect and Mars is ‘setting off,’ the T-square in the sky between Uranus, the planet of unexpected twists and turns and rebellions, Saturn, the taskmaster and Pluto, the God of the Underworld, the planet of vengeance and the harbinger of ultimate transformation. Take stock of your situation and use caution and prudence wherever you are.
We are officially living in the time astrologers have been talking and speculating about for a long time, and will be seeing events leading to change in the world around us. It will not be a smooth ride. That said, this configuration will cause the greatest stress for those who have personal planets that are being aspected, or those born in the early degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra. If your chart is not being aspected life may well go along without major life altering upheaval, but there will be stress in some areas. Live your life, and increase your happiness and abundance wherever possible. We are living on a planet facing great changes, and some will thrive and prosper during this time, as in every historic period since the beginning of civilization. The energy of this time will continue to have its effect for years to come in terms of changes in laws and governments, the balance of power among nations, partnerships, oil, business and banking, and earth changes and disasters such as the Gulf Oil spill. American’s have been ‘asleep at the wheel,’ in terms of underestimating the damage that has been done to the oceans, the food chain, and the relationships between big oil and government and the economy. The Huffington Post Newspaper is reporting that scientists have confirmed the oil and dispersants used by BP have found their way into the food chain already. Meanwhile, one network news show is asking if BP critics have gone too far in their assessment of actual damage done. It is no wonder some are confused and complacent. Speaking of damaging the planet, what about the oil spill in China? Based on news reports the size of that spill exceeds or is equal to the Gulf Oil spill. The way we treat the earth will continue to come into focus.
Being asleep at the wheel however, plays right into the hands of entities-both corporate and government-who would have us not know what is really going on. Astrologically, this is symbolized by Neptune, the planet of illusion, confusion and delusion, conjunct the moon of America’s chart. It will cross the moon and move into Pisces in April of 2011, and at that time the powers to be will no longer be dealing with a sleeping public.
Jupiter, the planet of money, gain and benevolence is retrograde and square Pluto until August 9. This transit relates to changes/struggles within politics, governments, foreign people, laws, the financial world, and it is associated with power plays in promoting philosophic/religious beliefs. It creates attitudes of arrogance, impatience and neglecting the small but important details, and relates to the desire to reform others while neglecting matters of primary importance. Large enterprises can be undertaken without laying the correct groundwork for success. The government(s) will have issue with oil companies. Arizona will continue to have issues with their immigration law and the federal mandate recently handed down.
On August 9-22 Jupiter opposes Saturn-This is a transit of trouble/frustration within governments and retraction, as opposed to expansion, in the financial world and markets. Second quarter figures have been released and the economy slowed down to 2.4% growth, the weakest in a year. The Democrats and Republicans are hopelessly at odds over issues. The transit represents poor timing in business and professional affairs, financial crisis and an increase in bankruptcy and foreclosures, issues with laws and the law, a lack of balance between radical and conservative attitudes. There is confusion over ethical/moral/religious issues and issues relating to laws and obstacles are caused by overly conservative, uncompromising attitudes.
August 3rd and 4th –Mars/ Jupiter squares Pluto-This is a transit of upheaval, friction, and anger, and power struggles in political and military or police affairs. It may involve foreign people, religion, educational, medical, financial entities. Impulsive action is the norm, power struggles and the need for regeneration in situations in the world and individually. News of criminal activities, conflict over financial and corporate matters, and there may be news of sexual violence or jealousies.
Venus enters Libra, the sign of relationships and partnerships on August 6 and for the next 3 days until August 9, conjuncts Saturn and opposes Uranus. –This is a transit of swings and unexpected gains or losses in the financial markets. Venus rules money, love and values and well as women, attractiveness and beauty. Venus conjunct Saturn is will cement a situation or turn it cold and the two planets do not fit well together. Add Uranus to the mix and we have a period of instability in the financial world and issues concerning women. If you meet someone new, do not assume it will be lasting until the test of time proves it so. Venus-Uranus creates interesting but unstable relationships. Difficult and unstable relationships may end at this time.
August 9-Venus opposes Jupiter- This transit produces overextension, over optimism and creates feeling of inertia, and over indulgence. Feelings toward others will improve and become warmer.
August 10- New Moon is at 17 degrees of Leo, the natural ruler of the fifth house of children, entertainment and love affairs. Events and situations will occur on a grand scale and the theme of Leo is often drama. Venus is still within one degree of conjuncting Saturn and opposing Jupiter and Uranus, so while some fun may be in the air, relationship situations will not necessarily go smoothly. Bad situations may end altogether, even though it is a new moon, or relationships may move on to another level. Money matters are still in focus.
August 11-Venus squares Pluto-Negative financial news is possible as well as news about women, violence and sex. Produces feelings of intensity and potential jealousy in relationships.
August 15-Uranus retrogrades back into Pisces at 29 degrees for the next 7 months until March of 2011. The T-Square involving 4 planets is no longer exact, but the energy is still intense for a while and capable of producing upheaval. It will re-enter Aries on March 13, 2011 until March 9, 2019. The last time Uranus was in Aries was April 1927-March of 1935. Uranus cycles are 7 years.
August 17-22- Jupiter squares Pluto again at 2 degrees.
August 20-Mercury retrogrades at 19 degrees of Virgo. The Winged God flies backward for the next three weeks in the sign ruling work and health, causing delays, mis-communications, equipment breakdowns and problems and breakdowns of personal situations that are not working well. The most positive use of this energy is reflection on the past, and re-doing projects that need to be completed. It is not a time to move forward. Expect a focus on jobs and negative job news.
August 21-Sun opposes Neptune- Issues concerning oil and water. Can denote high creativity, inspiration, dreams, psychic events and service to others. Alternatively, it produces feelings of confusion, tiredness, and mis-communication, mis-understandings, and untruths, as well as lack of clarity. Believe half of what you hear and let the rest withstand the test of time.
August 21-23-Venus conjuncts Mars- This transit will create a focus on money, love, values and sexual attractions. Minor conflicts between the sexes may occur and these few days contain magical energies for meeting someone special, although it may only be just a sexual attraction.
August 24-Full Moon at 1 degree of Pisces- Pisces is the natural ruler of the twelfth house of things secret and hidden. It is ruled by Neptune the planet of spirituality, creativity and psychic awareness. It is conjunct Uranus in a parallel which denotes events that occur suddenly and unexpectedly, and wild mood swings can occur. News relating to women and weather/water/technology/aircraft. Otherwise, the highest use of the energy is spiritual, creative expansion and the service of others.
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