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Friday, February 25, 2011

Uranus: Last dance in Pisces-The Planet of Revolution and Change Enters the Sign of the Individual Ego

We are on the precipice of major planetary change as Uranus transits through the final degrees of Pisces. Uranus is the planet of sudden, unexpected change, upheaval and revolution. Uranus is a slow moving planet, taking seven years to transit each sign. It entered Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac on March 11, 2003, and it moves into Aries on March 13, 2011 where it will remain until March 7, 2019.

The sign Pisces often creates a ‘fog,’ between reality and the mystical world, which can become blurred to the extent it is hard to distinguish reality from non-reality. Uranus rules the internet, and nowhere has this blurred vision become more apparent than the explosion of Facebook and other social media, internet games, and even dating sites whereby individuals and players take on a persona different from his or her real life and often become consumed in a internet life of non-reality that over time becomes blurred with reality, or becomes the reality for the individual involved. This is truly a manifestation of Uranus in Pisces.

The 29th Degree

Some degrees are more significant than others and when Uranus reaches the 29th degree it is considered the Anaretic degree. Pisces is represented by the two fish and is considered the sign of devotion as well as self undoing. The 29th degree of Pisces concerns the mysteries of life as well as miracles that may not be recognized as such. Believes strongly in mind over matter and sees the mysteries of life manifested-Helen Adams Garrett. The 29th degree of Pisces represents endings, in preparation for new beginnings with Uranus entering Aries.

World Events and Changes

When Uranus enters Aries at 0 degrees on March 13, it is at the Aries Point or the ‘world point,’ the 0 degree mark that is the beginning of all things. Uranus moves from mystical Pisces and inner manifestation to outer manifestation in the world. It is considered the point at which world events can occur involving us all in collective change. Uranus in Aries moves quickly, and will advance science, technology and medicine at a rapid pace. By the time Uranus leaves Aries medicine will have changed considerably and we can only imagine the advances in technology.

Many world events occurred late May-mid August 2010 when Uranus was at the Aries point for the first time, and this was only a preview of this planet’s seven year stay when it enters the first house of the zodiac for the next seven years. We saw a meltdown in the economy of numerous European countries and the BP oil spill was an event that garnered international attention. We saw travel problems with a huge volcanic ash cloud over Europe, China had an oil spill and numerous other events occurred, as we saw news of developments in medicine.

We will be at greater risk of explosive situations and catastrophic conditions around the world as the planet of revolution conjuncts the Aries point. Aries is the ruler of the first house of self, and individual egos and ideas will make themselves known in the world. Individuals and entities will become more aggressive, war like and inclined to manifest their desires outwardly. We are already seeing this energy play out in the number of protests and civil war in Libya and the Middle East.

The last time Uranus was in Aries was 1927-1935. Among the greatest inventions of that time was television. The US Stock Market crashed in October 1929. (The stock market could not crash like it did in 1929 because of the institution of trading collars ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trading_collar ) that would shut the market down. In 1929 the stock market lost 23% of its value over 2 days. It could only lose this type of value over days/weeks/months of sustained loss. 1933 saw Hitler's party come into power. The world changed, and during the next seven years and it will change again.

Personal Changes

As Uranus enters the first sign, changes will occur in the world and changes will occur on a very personal level for us individually. When Uranus changes signs this is a very big deal where planets are concerned. As Uranus enters Aries you will feel driven to move forward and accomplish things you may have been dreaming of for years. Aries does not wait around, but rather moves forward at the fastest pace of any sign. As Aries transits through your chart you may experience many changes in your personal life depending upon which personal planets Aries is affecting. Those most affected by Uranus’ entrance into Aries will be individuals born in the early degrees of the Cardinal signs: Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. You will experience change and possibly disruption, or a change of direction if you were born March 21-28, June 22-29, September 24-30, or December 23-29. If you were born on any of these dates looks for changes of direction on a personal level, and with partners, (Aries/Libra) and in the home and career areas if you are Cancer/Capricorn.

Uranus/Saturn/Pluto- The Status Quo versus the Individual-A Return of the Cardinal Square

During Spring/Summer of 2010 we experienced the Cardinal Grand Square that brought turmoil and chaos to the world and brought to light numerous situations that call for change. As Uranus advances in the sign Aries it will create another Cardinal square between Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. This ‘grand square,’ of these three major planets will generate tension that will reach a point where change has no option but to occur, and situations cannot continue as usual.

In 2010 the square became almost exact between these three planets June- August. Planets do not have to be exact to cause events and in 2011 the Cardinal Square will reach a peak in June with Saturn retrograde at 10 degrees of Libra, Pluto at 6 degrees of Capricorn and Uranus at 4 degrees of Aries. These planets are well within orb of each other and will create turmoil, chaos and anger that will lead to change in the world and change and regeneration in our personal lives.

As Saturn (the taskmaster and status quo) goes direct and moves forward in July, Uranus in Aries will continue to square Pluto throughout the year. Thus, the ‘will of the individual,’ will continue to be pitted against the ‘status quo,’ throughout 2011.

It will be a year of violent and unexpected explosions and explosive situations, both at home and abroad. Pluto also rules oil, and with the turmoil in the Middle East it is more than possible we will see problems with the flow of oil through the Middle East, and escalations in price, throughout 2011.

This explosive energy is obvious in the Middle East. The charts of many countries including Libya, Israel, Jordan, Iran and Iraq to name just a few are absolutely on the brink of change/civil war and will not go through this period and remain the same. Uranus will actually continue to square Pluto within it’s orb of influence until 2017. Eighty years ago Uranus entered Aries and changed the world. It will do so again.

What are the Changes About?

Saturn in Libra relates to law, governments and relationships of all kinds, both personal and personal, as well as relationships with the government. Marriage will come under scrutiny and we will hear more about same-sex marriage. Uranus in Aries relates to the ego of the individual and the collective will being expressed in the outer world. Aries is ruled by Mars the ‘God of War,’ and planet of action. Pluto in Capricorn relates to business and the ‘powers that be.’ This includes governments, banks, business, and underworld types of groups. It is in these areas we will see changes occur on the world stage. There will be questions about the US tax base and we are at risk of food shortages.

Governments and business as usual will be disrupted and the individual will make his/her voice known. All people have a desire to live in peace and with a certain amount of personal security. When change occurs it will be a result of the needs of the individual not being met by governments and entities. It will be in the abovementioned areas that clashes occur, ultimately resulting in change. The world is going to be an angry place to live for a while.

There are also ego driven and misguided individuals who will make their voices heard. These individuals do not have to be spiritually motivated but egotistical, or driven by reasons of personal ideology. As Neptune enters Pisces, another wild card comes into the mix, relating to religion, spirituality and idealism as well as fanaticism. It will be thin line humanity must walk in 2011.

Neptune Enters the Sign of Spirituality and Confusion

Neptune is the most misunderstood of signs, and the planet ruling religion and spirituality. It enters the twelfth sign of the zodiac on April 5 changing the mix even further. The twelfth house relates to the unseen world, the unconscious mind, the supernatural, and things and realms that are secret and hidden. It is the house of endings and clearing the deck before new beginnings. Neptune will be in Pisces until 2026.

While on one hand, the world in some ways and places may become more aware of the need for spirituality and a connection with the infinite, Pisces also rules fanatics, and extremists. Pisces rules drugs, the ocean, illusion, delusion, confusion, lies and deceit, drug dealers, ministers, the seamy side of life, painting, beauty, and the cinema and drunks. It is the most multidimensional of planets and therein lies the difficulty in understanding it. But where you have Neptune, you generally have confusion. Neptune can soar to the highest of highs and sink to the lowest of lows. And it rules water.

Natural and Man Made Catastrophes

The upcoming Grand Square and subsequent Uranus-Pluto square can relate to both natural and manmade disasters. Pisces rules water and Pluto rules oil, and Uranus in Aries brings sudden, unexpected situations and events. Pluto in Capricorn also relates to the earth, and we are in a period where the dictates of the planet must be taken into consideration. During the grand square of 2010 we saw volcanic eruptions, an ash cloud, earthquakes, flooding, and the contamination of the Gulf by British Petroleum. More such incidents will occur, and Neptune in Pisces speaks of water: flooding, melting ice caps, contamination, shortages-all of these are possible.

The Big Picture

We can only imagine the technological advances that will occur over the next seven years. How would one describe television to someone who had never heard of the concept at the turn of the 20th century? How many lives will be saved as medical science unlocks the secrets to regenerating the body, perhaps even preventing aging. Stem cell research holds the key to more than we can imagine. We are on the brink of breathtaking cures, answers and solutions.

And yet the world is in turmoil. The age of revolt and revolution is upon us. Not only in the Middle East, but in the US and the Western world. The old guard is on it’s way out everywhere. Situations and answers that served as patchwork that have not met the needs of real human beings will no longer suffice. Governments that only serve only a few will topple, whether they be Western or Eastern. It will not be an easy path, it never is. Nor will it be a crystal clear path. Confusion will abound.

This is the time of the individual. Not to become absorbed in the self to the exclusion of all else, but rather to search our common humanity for what we can attain and what we share in common with others.

It is a time for humanity to bond with the earth and search for issues that will preserve our planet for the future and respect the boundaries of what Planet Earth will tolerate before it becomes toxic. Our world depends upon it. Welcome to the revolution. It will be televised.

1 comment:

  1. Leslie I love love love your blogs. You break it down so that I can understand whats going on with the planets and how it effects our and my life.
    Thank you for this !!!
