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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Planet of Karma Steps Back

Saturn Retrogrades January 26

The planet of responsibility, restrictions and karma retrogrades at 17 degrees of Libra January 26. Saturn retrogrades every year for approximately four months, and it won’t go direct again until June 13. At times this can cause delays and slowdowns in finance and projects, and it is a time for recessing matters that are of concern to you.

Saturn in Libra relates to marriage, court and legal situations and partnerships of all kinds, and in a general way, we will all be dealing with these issues. This is a time of reviewing these situations and often situations will come up that test your course of action and create frustration. But, out of tests come strength, and a better basis for reality. During the stationing periods (Jan. 26-Feb 12, and again June 13-July 10) retrograding Saturn often has a greater impact, especially if it is turning retrograde on a personal planet in your chart being affected by 17 degrees of Libra. Astrologer/Author Celeste Teal writes, “When Saturn stations in a certain house in the natal horoscope the affairs of that house will demand defining. For example if Saturn stations in the seventh house (or Libra, which is the case) a marriage or partnership will be defined. If there has been some confusion around this area, things will become very clear, and you will become very realistic about the state of the marriage or partnership.

Saturn in Libra will affect the Sun signs in the following manner:

Aries-Relationships become defined one way or another

Taurus-An emphasis on work/health/diet and exercise/pets

Gemini-Children/friends and love affairs become more defined

Cancer-Situations in the home demand defining as well as the overall foundation

Leo-Mental clarity becomes an issue, along with situations relating to neighbors, friends, co-workers and immediate family members

Virgo-Money issues need defining

Libra-The start of a new life-new beginnings-defining the self

Scorpio-Subconscious issues need defining and brought to light. Issues with institutions and seclusion

Sagittarius-Issues with corporations and friends become defined

Capricorn-Issues related to career and work, as well as other priorities need defining

Aquarius-Travel, Publishing, legal and medical issues defined as well as general outlook on life

Pisces-Matters pertaining to joint moneys, taxes, partners’ money, joint assets, credit card debt, issues related to death and inheritance.

Often when outer planets retrograde situations of a seemingly ‘Karmic’ nature seem to play out more so now, than at other times. Critical decisions will frequently be reached in relationships with Saturn in Libra.

As Saturn retrogrades, Mercury squares Saturn on January 26, setting off this transit. You will be affected to a greater degree if this configuration is hitting a planet in your natal chart, Or you are a Cancer, born July 8-10, Aries, born April 6-8, Capricorn, born January 6-8 or Libra, born October 9-11, or within a day wither way of those dates.

Mercury square Saturn is overall negative and pessimistic, and best not to take it too seriously, or engage in negative arguments at this time. If it transits your personal planets it may be a somber day, but holds the ability to think, plan and access your situation without rose colored glasses.


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