UK’s Prince William married longtime companion Kate Middleton on Friday, April 29, and the wedding was the most celebrated since Princess Di married William’s father, Prince Charles 30 years ago with an estimated 750 million viewers worldwide.
Born on January 9, 1982, Kate has a 17 degree Capricorn Sun, with a moon in Cancer. On the outside she may appear practical, sensible and tough, but on the inside she is super sensitive to the comments and actions of others. Slight this woman and you may be forgiven on the outside, but the slight will never be forgotten by her. Home, family and a partner are of primary concern to Kate, and it is in these areas she is destined to focus her attention.
With her Cancer moon, Kate probably feels an intuitive rapport with the Prince’s deceased Mother, Diana. In interviews she spoke of having wished she could have met her. Had the two actually met, I have no doubt they would have bonded and loved each other. In death, Princess Diana will likely serve as a role model for Kate, and someone she will often think about.
Kate’s Jupiter is trine her moon and sextile her Sun. This combination gives her an element of luck in marriage, with a generally positive outlook, a planetary combination she shares with her soon to be husband, Prince William. Jupiter in Scorpio is lucky for money and means she is capable of keeping secrets.
Venus and Mercury in Aquarius square her Jupiter meaning Kate has the ability to socialize and communicate with people from all walks of life, and can be very charming when the occasion arises.
Life has not always been a bed of roses for Kate, and she has some more difficult transits in her birth chart, as well. Her Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Libra square her moon. This is a powerful combination shared by Prince William due to proximity of birth. The moon represents the home and early familial conditioning and in some senses it must have been difficult, bleak, and disciplined. An undercurrent of tension and control would have been present, and she must have butted heads with authority figures more than average during her growing up years. Through these tense times she would have experienced depression, setbacks and frustration. She is prone to depression, and will always be torn between her heart and her head. (Since the time this post was written Kate has revealed through interviews she was the subject of much bullying at school). Individuals with heavy Pluto/Mars/Saturn combinations often suffer cruelty, even abuse during their lives.
During her childhood Kate learned to control through manipulation, or be controlled. Pluto-Moon individuals can be very intense, controlling and obsessive in achieving their goals. This lady is no wallflower and when married she will make her wants and desires known. When Mars and Pluto are prominent in a chart the individual often arouses antagonism from those around him/her and usually ends up in some major power struggles. Mars/Moon individuals are easily ‘stirred up,’ and can often have emotional disruptions, quarrels in the home and the home can sometimes become a battleground. Saturn in Libra however will curb these tendencies, and place a great deal of focus on responsibility and duty. This combination is shared by her husband to be, and the two should have a great deal of understanding toward one another, and toward each other’s moods and mood swings. On some core levels her growing up years were not dissimilar to William’s.
Kate’s chart is similar to William’s, being born less than six months apart. They both have a Cancer moon, which gives them an intuitive rapport with each other. With William’s moon lying in her seventh house, along with his one degree Cancer Sun, the two were destined to be together. With Saturn squaring both of their moons, they are able to suppress their feelings and focus on duty and responsibility. Sometimes Saturn- Moon combinations mean the relationship is focused too much upon responsibility, and too little on love, or the love feelings will never be fully expressed with one another. But, to a large degree, royal marriages have always been about responsibility. Their chart similarities are both good and bad. In a positive sense they have an emotional connection many people would envy. On the other hand, their moods will fluctuate at the same time and if one is experiencing a difficult time emotionally, the other will be going through a similarly difficult period as well.
William’s Moon squares Kate’s Mars and this can be a volatile combination between two people, and cause a great deal of friction. The moon is an emotional indicator and Mars is the God of War and when the two planets form a pattern like this there is destined to be a certain amount of friction. The combination could leave William feeling overwhelmed.
Both Kate and Prince William are entering their first Saturn return period. During this time Saturn returns to the place it occupies in the birth chart. This time marks a period of transformation and maturation through hardships and obstacles. It often becomes a period of ‘forced maturity, and the individual wishes to be acknowledged as a mature entity and take his/her place in society. This is the transit that separates those over 30 from those under 30, and is a major turning point in life. The Saturn return period will continue into 2012.
It has not been an easy path to the wedding alter. The two will be under a great deal of pressure after they are married. They have recently come through Uranus square Neptune, a transit that often creates a lack of focus, lack of clarity and would break up a less committed couple.
May-July the couple will both have Saturn conjunct Mars, a transit that confers determination and the ability to work long and hard to achieve their goals. It is has the potential to create harshness in personal relationships. It is called the accidental transit,’ and can be indicative of mishaps, and often feelings of enmity arise. Saturn-Mars is a combination that can involve police or military, and it was a heavily guarded wedding surrounded by police. The couple is expected to take a ‘Royal tour,’ of Canada in July and the schedule will be grueling and difficult, as represented by this planetary combination.
When Uranus entered Aries in March of 2011 it squared William’s Sun at 0 degrees of Cancer, and by June it is squaring his moon. Individuals under this influence often undergo a change of lifestyle, and can become erratic in their behavior. Uranus/moon can bring about a domestic change of objectives along with pregnancy, at times. A man undergoing Uranus’ square to his moon will often go through emotional ups and downs and indecisions, and sometimes his wife/fiancée will do unusual things. It is an aspect of unexpected events and instability, and difficult situations relating to women and female family members.
Both William and Kate will face many unexpected difficulties and ups and downs as Uranus in Aries will oppose their Mars, Saturn and Pluto over the next seven years. Their union will be tested many times over. Pluto in Capricorn will square the same planets over the course of the next few years creating frustrating circumstances, many of which will be beyond their control. They will have to work hard to maintain the marriage. 2012 will be an especially harsh period as Pluto squares the Mars of both parties at 10 degrees of Libra. This is a transit of personal power struggles and confrontations, and with Mars in Libra it is likely the struggles will be with each other.
Jupiter enters Aries and Taurus in June. While transiting through Aries throughout May it travels through William’s fifth house of children and when it enters Taurus in June it will transit Kate’s fifth house of children. It would not surprise me if another royal announcement was forthcoming this year: the birth of a new Prince or Princess!