
Astrology provides a great tool to help us understand why and how good things and bad happen to us as individuals and as a collective. Enjoy my free astrology column, and feel free to contact me to purchase your own personalized chart and reading. Or visit my site at http://www.lesliehale-astrology.com/

Friday, August 20, 2010

Applications for unemployment made a huge jump this week, sending financial markets and those who believed things were improving into a tailspin. But, that came as no surprise to those who read my posts and follow astrology, as Jupiter opposes Saturn this week, setting the stage for negative financial news. Furthermore, Mercury, the planet of communication officially retrogrades today in the sign Virgo, ruling jobs, job news, health, healthcare and matters connected to the earth. When Mercury retrogrades previously unknown issues come to the forefront, both on the world stage and in our personal lives.

Scientists are now reporting existence of a 22 mile underwater plume somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico that is deadly to sea life. BP has been putting distance between themselves and the Gulf disaster for weeks now. It is questionable if they will live up to their promises to make the Gulf area whole again. I believe not only is it questionable, it is absolute they will do as little as possible to avoid spending more money on the ‘little people,’ whose lives have been wiped out as a result of the largest marine disaster American’s have known. It has been reported for some time, BP has been ‘buying up,’ scientists who study and work with oil related disasters and forcing them to sign contracts agreeing to NOT reveal their findings to the public. The Gulf disaster had not gone away and we will be dealing with the ramifications for generations.

Another question that has arisen is the safety of the dispersants used in getting rid of the oil in the Gulf. I have seen reports that claim the chemical toxicants BP used are dangerous to sea life and to humans, and that the chemicals have found their way into the food chain. Last night I picked up a frozen package of shrimp at the grocery store. The first thing I noticed was the price that was probably up 30%. The package was almost half the size it used to be. Two strikes. Then I noticed the packaging- “Gulf Shrimp.” I had to think a few minutes. Buying it would help the fisherman, I like shrimp, and what the heck. Then I thought about the chemical dispersants and the reports from credible agencies about our food chain being altered. I put it back in the freezer. I would like to buy American products and help the Gulf and the fishermen. The Government says the food is safe. The Government also backed BP when they said the well was only pumping out 5,000 gallons of toxic oil a day into our oceans. BP is buying up scientists and ‘judge shopping,’ for future trials that will involve criminal offenses. Enough Said.

We have made it through the cosmic square, or the T-Square that we astrologers have been writing about for some time now. Officially—Uranus has moved back into Pisces for 7 more months, changing the energy again, and giving us one last chance to understand the lessons of Uranus in the sign that rules the twelfth house of the zodiac. The twelfth house is the unknown, secrets and matters that are hidden from view, and the unconscious. Pisces is the ruler of spirituality, creativity, psychic abilities, drugs and alcohol, the seamy side of life, prostitutes and preachers. It is a complex planet, and it rules water—The oceans are being polluted, and a large part of Pakistan is flooded and headed for a major humanitarian crisis. China is still under mudslides even though you have to look for the news about that situation. If the US can’t clean up a major oil spill, does anyone believe China can? And where is the news of that situation? It is all about water and as Pisces ends its 15 year cycle in this sign it will bring further issues involving water to the forefront. It will take some time to completely assimilate the changes that have occurred under this major astrological configuration. Many well known astrologers called for global disasters during this time that would affect the earth. We have seen the Gulf oil spill, the China Oil spill, The Michigan oil spill, flooding of Pakistan, Mudslilides in China, fires in Russia and the decimation of Haiti. Next spring the same square between Saturn, Pluto and Uranus will return. It is not being written about the planets are not as close to each other as the last one was. It is a mistake to ignore however, as the planets do not have to be exact with each other for major events to occur.

But, Saturn and Pluto are still squaring each other, and the energy of this square will continue into next month. Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn deals with issues connected to the earth, business, partnerships among people and entities, the government and banking. It is harsh energy and has the potential to spark nuclear incidents, power struggles and military incidents. It also deals with issues connected to crime and to sex. It affects our personal lives as well and issues in relationships, especially sexual ones. If your relationship has been limping along this energy may force it over the edge or bring issues out into the open that may have been there for some time.

The last full moon of the summer is at 1 degree of Pisces on August 24. It is conjunct Uranus (in a parallel) bringing up situations-is sees that are unexpected. We will likely see water related situations, and events that will deal with women. On the positive end this could be an exciting time, when you may try something new, or approach situations in a new and exciting way. Happy End of Summer!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mid-August 2010-A Significant Time

If I had to sum up the astrological transits this week in one word, it might be frustrating. Jupiter, the planet of expansion opposes Saturn, the planet of contraction. The end result is a push-pull type of energy that may prove frustrating on both an individual and world level. It will be hard to expand your affairs this week, and if things can be maintained at a normal level count yourself lucky. Astrologer Mitch Lewis writes, “Because it {Saturn-Jupiter} is part of the Great T-Square we have been discussing I don’t think you can separate this and view it only as the energy it possesses. The cumulative results of this period will be looked upon as a time of frustration and limitations; a redefining of values and a more realistic (Saturn) view of that the world really is. This opposition first completed on May 23rd 2010, in the mutable signs of Pisces and Virgo. Now it is completing at zero degrees cardinal in Aries and Libra. It will complete on more time in these cardinal signs in late March 2011, and that is when we will see the final results of this aspect. The key to working with these two diametrically opposes forces is to move slowly and steadily towards your goals. If you attempt to rush things or don’t create enough support your projects will not come to fruition.” The transit is not favorable for the financial markets or positive news about money or finance.

On Friday/Saturday, August 20-21 the Sun opposes Neptune. This is a tiring transit and some people may not even feel like getting out of bed. It can create a lot of insecurity and confusion. It may generate a feeling of listlessness or giving up and exhaustion, as well as a feeling that it is futile to go on. It represents the possibility of mis-communication or lies and deception. On the positive end it can create the energy for big things on a creative/psychic level, or it could represent an intuitive moment or a ‘religious experience.’ It is best used in helping those less fortunate than yourself. Neptune always calls for sacrifice. The transit also represents oil and water and we will likely see a continuation of disruptive weather events, or more news about the three oil spills occurring in the world at this time.-the Gulf, China and Michigan. One fifth of Pakistan is under water as this is written, and China is consumed in mudslides. Thousands have died and while there is not an overabundance of news on major US networks, these situations represent major catastrophic world/earth events.

Also on Friday, the planet of communication retrogrades and becomes ‘the planet of mis-communication.’ Mercury usually retrogrades three times a year and this time it is in the sign of Virgo at 19 degrees. Virgo is the natural ruler of the sixth house of health and work and it is in these areas we will face issues. It is best not to purchase major items, sign contracts or start new jobs during the next three weeks, but life being what it is sometimes we have no choice. I have tested this theory many times over and always end up the loser, Except once. I was purchasing a house and the owner’s discovered they had to sell a larger parcel of land with the house in that community, and I was able to get a bigger lot at a lower price. I always tell clients, with retrograde Mercury you can be a winner or a loser, depending upon the chart. Case in point: OJ Simpson. He was acquitted of the murder of his wife, Nichole, during a retrograde on October 3, 1995, with Mercury retrograde at 13 degrees of Libra. Jurors were later questioned, and most of them regretted the decision. He wasn’t so lucky however, exactly 13 years to the day later on October 3, 2008, when he was convicted of armed robbery and kidnapping in Las Vegas. Mercury was retrograde that day at 18 degrees of Libra.  Oh, well, karma is hell to pay, and he is still in prison.

So, if you can avoid major purchases, new jobs, and signing contracts it is best. Projects get slowed down, communication becomes more difficult and machines break—as do relationships, but usually only the ones that are at the breaking point anyway. Often new information regarding various situations in our lives is uncovered during retrograde Mercury.

What retrograde Mercury is actually good for is reflection, re-doing and re-thinking. Sometimes you can catch up with people from the past, and reconnect. This is the highest and best use of the energy, unless you are in a position to take time off, visit a retreat and truly reflect on the past. It is a time for planning, not taking action. And when you do take action it will probably change.

Mercury is currently stationary retrograde at 18 degrees of Virgo Tuesday, August 17. Author/astrologer Carol Rushman writes, “When Mercury stations in the sixth house or Virgo, the mental energy expresses itself in an analytical way. The mind is organized. Opinions are reached after much consternation and thought. The need for perfection, however, may delay decision making. During this stationing period, people will be exceptional picky and critical. They can be critical of others’, but are usually hardest on themselves.”

Mercury will be stationary retrograde on September 11-15. It goes direct at 5 degrees of Virgo on September 12.

The weekend will get more interesting as Venus and Mars line up together at 13, 14 and 15 degrees of Libra on August 21,22 and 23. If this three degree range connects with a personal planet in your chart it will represent a somewhat significant event in your love life or your social life. It doesn’t have to be the love of your life, but it shold count for something! It is a good time for entertaining, and many will feel the spark of attraction. If it is connecting well in your chart, you could meet someone new. That said, Mars and Venus together create a certain amount of tension and sparks could fly either way. Venus is at home transiting the sign ruling relationships.

On Saturday, August 21, the Saturn-Pluto square that has been occurring all summer starts to separate. Astrologer Mitch Lewis writes, “There are more major wars begun while these two are in conflict in the sky. In 1914-15 Saturn was conjunct Pluto in Cancer as the First World War began. In 1939-40 Saturn in Taurus was in square to Pluto in Leo, to herald in the Second World War. In 1942 Saturn conjunct Uranus, first in Taurus, then in Gemini, guaranteeing a continued instability and explosiveness for years. In 1945 Saturn in Cancer squared Neptune in Libra causing a great deal of confusion and misrepresentation. The Battle of the Bulge was basically a Neptunian venture. There was little behind the German’s bravado, yet they almost succeeded in tricking us into an armistice, rather than a complete surrender. The point is that when Saturn is afflicted by the outer planets there are usually world events. It’s been getting trounced lately. This is what leads many of us in this business to expect serious world events. But they rarely come exactly on the aspect.”

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Living by Starlight by Mitchell Scott Lewis

Mitchell Scott Lewis is a favorite of mine-Leslie

Well, so the world didn’t end last month. I know how deeply disappointed some of you are. But don’t worry; we have more harsh aspect coming, including the powerful Pluto square Uranus in about a year. That might do it.

Seriously, the job of a financial and political astrologer is to examine the aspects and advise on the potential outcome. Several other prominent astrologers made similar predictions for August based on these transits. And there have been some very intense situations these past few weeks, including the Wiki-leaks papers, floods in Pakistan, oil spills all over the world, massive fires in Russia, etc. There was no stock market crash. Yet. But I still believe these markets are manipulated and nothing more than a playground for those with enough capital to gamble. It is going down, down, down, and even if my timing is off a bit the overall view will prove correct.

I recently did an interview with Alan Colmes on Fox. Anyone interested in viewing it should go to my website http://www.mitchastro.com/ and click Watch Mitchell On Fox News on the home page. I have been invited to return in October as we approach the mid-term elections. Mr. Colmes was a very gracious and sympathetic host. He asked me about a recent newsletter in which I said: “For those of you who have been worrying about the coming apocalypse, you can stop worrying, it’s here…” I was referring to the Gulf oil spill, but I did not mean it in the literal context that the Book of Revelations speaks of. I don’t believe that the apocalypse will happen on a specific date, not do I believe that the fire and brimstone and world wide nuclear holocaust so many tout will occur. There may be several “nuclear incidences”, followed by a major shift to the right. But that will be followed by a change once again and a swing back to the center, where most Americans are comfortable. We are, after all, entering the Age of Aquarius, and anyone who thinks we can cook that omelet without breaking a few eggs should talk to the residents of ancient Rome about the year 410. But remember, while Rome was being sacked, Constantinople was booming. Brazil, anyone?

The fact that they seem to have cleaned up the gulf (miraculously the oil has disappeared – poof!) is perhaps the worst thing that could have happened. Of course as my readers know I was devastated at the loss of wildlife and pristine nature. I’m not wishing that the spill were worse, or that it happened at all. But I have learned a thing of two about humanity in my 30 years of studies and find that once we believe there is a solution to a problem we cease to pay attention to that problem any longer, often resulting in a worse catastrophe down the line. Now we are being sold a bill of goods that technology, our modern god, will solve all the oil spills in the world, so drill baby drill! The Gulf spill is now on page 16 of the few remaining newspapers that matter, right next to the China spill and the Michigan one that is now threatening the Great Lakes. Nobody talks about that one. Do you even know it exists? That’s what scares me. Complacency is the enemy of real solutions. And we are a most complacent people.

The apocalypse is the rapid deterioration of our environment and food supply. Not the Terminator.

“This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.” T.S. Eliot.

Despite the economic environment, corporations are showing huge profits, mostly by firing workers and thus lowering costs. Worker productivity has increased over the past year but none of the gains are finding their way into the pockets of those workers, it has all gone into corporate profits to be divided between management and stock holders. Unemployment is expected to rise, not fall over the next year. Our society is being split as never before between the rich and everyone else. As we inch ever closer to the precipice you would wonder how the hell could the middle class in any state ever vote for a Republican. Yet they may do just that in November. We are a nervous, impatient people with a history of unimpeded growth and expansion. Anything that delays that growth bothers America’s Sagittarius ascendant. But America is not growing anymore, at least not now. We have entered what will be at least a decade of stifled expansion and frustrating situations. If the Republicans regain enough seats in either house to paralyze our government, one of the first things they will do is end unemployment benefits to the millions of the new poor. How far are we from tent cities or housing complexes built to hide our growing homelessness?

Thanks to this dangerous Supreme Court, corporations will decide the governments of the future. In its psychotic 5 to 4 split the court has opened the door for unlimited spending by corporations in elections. They will buy and sell senate seats, governorships and of course, the venerable Oval office. They will dictate policy and direct the flow of capital virtually unrestricted, unless this country wakes up and smells the damn coffee. The check and balances put into place by our founding fathers will be meaningless if we allow money to be the only criteria by which we select our leaders. And that is exactly what this decision will do. I have long thought that The Supreme Court has way too much power, and should not be a lifetime appointment. It was done so originally to prevent tampering by a ruling party. But instead we now have a split philosophical agenda as the court appointees continue to represent the party that put them there, while the nation’s sentiments have moved on. And, inevitably, this court will join forces with corporate America to move our nation to the right.

Mr. Obama was elected with the Saturn – Uranus opposition exact on Election Day. He was inaugurated on a Void Of Course Moon. So far he has done some amazing things, as one would hope during a Saturn – Uranus opposition. L.B.J. also ruled during this powerful transit, and he redistributed the wealth, one of the desired results of this opposition, as much as was possible. Health care reform and financial reform are things of great magnitude. If allowed to become the law of the land, in time, they will be seen in their proper historic light. Many of those who are currently scared by these acts will understand their necessity and accept their role through the coming years. But because this administration began on the Void of Course Moon, many things could take an unexpected twist. These changes will be fought by the Republicans for a long time. And if either issue makes it to this right wing Supreme Court, you can pretty much assume the outcome. And if it, in fact, does go that route then there is the terrible possibility that all of this wonderful work will come to naught. That is a real possibility when something is begun on a Void Of Course Moon. Let’s pray that isn’t the case.


The New Moon falls on Monday August 9th at 11:08 P.M. EST at 17 degrees Leo 25 minutes. This is the time of year for a romantic get-away. I always say that July is the time to spend with the family, and August is when you leave them with a sitter and run naked on the beach. (You may want to check the local ordinance first.) Lie around like the lazy lion and refresh yourself. Once we enter Virgo we will all be fussing over details and working very hard. There is a time for all things and this is the time to play.

This fixed fire sign rules the 5th house of romance, children, games and gambling. If you think about it, they are all akin. Do we not become children when we fall in love; play games and gamble with our most precious commodities – security, balance and self-image? And, of course, romance, will often lead to children. It isn’t the 7th house of marriage, but the 5th house of romantic encounters that beget the next generation. Understanding what the various houses mean, and recognizing how all of the things incorporated within that house are connected, is one of the most important parts of astrology.


On Tuesday August 10th at 12:04 A.M. EST there will be a desire to get to the bottom of your most personal relationships, especially if this sets off your chart. Anything hidden may very well come out, and if you aren’t ready for the truth you may be better off letting sleeping dogs lie.


On Friday August 13th at 11:31 P.M. EST this most erratic planets retrogrades back into Pisces. There may be a pull-back in some of the technological advancements of the past year. Confusion or complications could abound, but it would only be a temporary respite in our race to the future. Pisces rules many things, including our faith. It is about to enter Aries where it will reside for the next seven year. This retrograde back into Pisces is giving us one more chance to learn what the past 7 years has been about. Has our faith changed? If so, in what ways, and is it for the better or not? When Uranus does go back into Aries the technical revolution will move at an even faster pace. We are about to lose what little humanity has not been gobbled (googled) up by the internet. Take a moment to look around you. So many things you have grown used to seeing will no longer be there soon.


On Monday August 16th at 4:45 P.M. EST the desire to expand and the need to contract will create a tug-of-war. This is a very frustrating energy either in the individual’s chart or the collective’s. Because it is part of the Great T-Square we have been discussing I don’t think you can separate this and view it only as the energy it possesses. The cumulative results of this period will be looked upon as a time of frustration and limitations; a redefining of values and a more realistic (Saturn) view of that the world really is. This opposition first completed on May 23rd 2010, in the mutable signs of Pisces and Virgo. Now it is completing at zero degrees cardinal in Aries and Libra. It will complete on more time in these cardinal signs in late March 2011, and that is when we will see the final results of this aspect. The key to working with these two diametrically opposes forces is to move slowly and steadily towards your goals. If you attempt to rush things or don’t create enough support your projects will not come to fruition.


On Friday August 20th at 6:06 A.M. EST this most insecure and confusing transit comes along. As if we don’t have enough problems dealing with the Saturn energy, today requires a great deal of work to stay focused and on top of things. Saturn in opposition to Jupiter and in square to Pluto demands that we do pay attention. So use extra caution today and try to clarify everything. This opposition can easily result in misunderstandings and misdirection. It’s usually a very bad aspect for the stock markets. But then, so are all of the major aspects this month. Any new relationship that begins today should be taken with a pillar of salt. Give it time to prove its worthiness.


Also on Friday August 20th at 2:49 P.M. EST the sexes will certainly be attracted to each other. With both Mars and Venus traveling through Libra, it is the Venus energy that is more at home and will be more assertive. Mars doesn’t do all that well her and feel out of sorts. But Venus shines while transiting the sign that rules relationships. To use astrology correctly you should never fight against the stream. This is a month for the female side of things to take over. Let it.


Also on Friday August 20th at 3:59 P.M. EST we begin this thrice a year joy. To be fair, there are certain things that actually work out better while the winged god is moon-walking in the sky. If you have had a hard time getting in touch with someone, you may be able to track them down now. You will find that the world is slowing down and there may be time to read something or study a subject that you have been too busy to focus on. Conversations tend to be very honest and direct, and the truth has a way of jumping off your tongue, so keep your ears open and your mouth shut and you may learn some important things. As always, use caution while traveling and leave plenty of extra time. Try not to purchase a car, boat, plane, spaceship or other devise associated with travel. Also communication device, such as cell phones, TVs, computers, or two Dixie cups with a thread attached will give you trouble if you buy it now. Unfortunately, this is also when many things could breakdown and you may be forced to get a new one. You can exchange it after Mercury turns around again.

Because this retrograde is in Virgo, one of the signs this planet rules (so far), we can expect some serious difficulties in communications, especially issues involving health or physical maintenance. And with the Full Moon in Pisces this month, any medical situation that has been ignored may come to the surface now.


On Saturday August 21st at 5:47 A.M. EST this powerful transit completes. There are more major wars begun while these two are in conflict in the sky. In 1914-15 Saturn was conjunct Pluto in Cancer as the First World War began. In 1939-40 Saturn in Taurus was in square to Pluto in Leo, to herald in the Second World War. In 1942 Saturn conjunct Uranus, first in Taurus, then in Gemini, guaranteeing a continued instability and explosiveness for years. In 1945 Saturn in Cancer squared Neptune in Libra causing a great deal of confusion and misrepresentation. The Battle of the Bulge was basically a Neptunian venture. There was little behind the German’s bravado, yet they almost succeeded in tricking us into an armistice, rather than a complete surrender. The point is that when Saturn is afflicted by the outer planets there are usually world events. It’s been getting trounced lately. This is what leads many of us in this business to expect serious world events. But they rarely come exactly on the aspect.


On Monday August 23rd at 1:27 A.M. EST we enter the mutable part of summer, when the weather starts to change and the air just feels different. Each season has a cardinal, fixed and mutable month so we can see each in its three stages of development. If you can study the season carefully you will understand the concept of the three quadruplicates; cardinal, fixed and mutable, and perhaps better understand your own life and how it fits into the collective. We are all made up of the three types of energy, even without planets in those signs. There are house cusps and natural rulership that adds to the complexity of our personalities. This is the hardest part for many as we are preparing to say goodbye to the summer. The mutable signs seem to have a easier time saying goodbye, sometimes too easy a time. We must all learn to be cardinal (initiators), fixed (builders) and mutable (able to let go), when the time is appropriate. In this way you become the fullest most complete person you can be. So for now, look around you at the changing season and how it affects you and others, and learn its lessons.


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Tuesday August 24th at 1:05 P.M. EST at 1 degree Pisces 26 minutes. We have returned to the point in our cycle where the Full Moons are completing in the early degrees of each sign. This implies that there is more of a chance for initiation on these lunar peaks, and not just a waning energy. Pisces is interested in service to others, although not all those born under this last sign are particularly happy about it. From now until the next New Moon it would behoove us all to seek ways in which we can help others. If only our species could understand the concept of circulation; what you give out comes back, many times over.

I would use caution with alcohol and all drugs (legal or illegal makes no difference in astrology, only in court), for the few days surrounding this aspect. Not only does Pisces rule these things, but the Moon will conjunct Neptune, ruler of Pisces, on the dark of the moon, shortly before the Moon conjuncts the Sun. Illusions of all sorts may be presented to you, so make sure you have a reality check. This can be a very spiritual and enlightening moment if you can take it for what it is – a play staged in fog and mirrors. Very deep understanding is possible, if you can take a leap of faith and open yourself to new information.


On Thursday August 26th at 1:11 A.M. EST we will have these two powers working in tandem. If you can use the Sun and Pluto together successfully you can transform almost anything. It’s a great aspect in a natal chart, which allows the individual the chance to recreate themselves throughout their lives. It means new beginnings and deep rooted transformative changes, but done in a flowing and proactive manner, not disruptive or destructive like the opposition or square. Of course here it is only a passing moment, but try to make the most of it. Issues that involve joint ownership or group activities should do quite well.


On Friday September 3rd at 8:35 A.M. EST people will be willful and assertive. There will be great force behind all communications, which could easily lead to disputes and loud verbal exchanges. Anything that needs to be said will be, and this is a good time to clear the air. Just be careful how you say it. There could be some difficulties in travel, and this completes during rush hour, on Friday of the Labor Day weekend, so try to bypass it. Listen to news radio for the traffic reports.


On Saturday September 4th at 1:13 P.M. EST this rather pleasant transit completes. This is a very creative and romantic trine, combining the lower and higher levels of the love connection. Venus rules personal love. Neptune rules universal love. The combination can produce great moments of passion and deep understanding. Watch how much you eat and drink. It is very easy to enjoy this aspect a little too much.


The next New Moon falls on Wednesday September 8th at 6:30 A.M. EST at 15 degrees Virgo 41 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the cycles of the moon more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Saturn Enters Libra-Changes In Partnerships and Marriage

Saturn has entered Libra, the sign of relationships and partnerships. It is opposing Uranus and square Pluto and Jupiter in a configuration that will bring change to the world in all of the areas ruled by the three planets. Within days of Saturn entering Libra, California’s Proposition 8 banning gay marriage was overturned.

Because Proposition 8 is unconstitutional under both the

Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses, the court orders entry of

judgment permanently enjoining its enforcement; prohibiting the

official defendants from applying or enforcing Proposition 8 and

directing the official defendants that all persons under their

control or supervision shall not apply or enforce Proposition 8.

The clerk is DIRECTED to enter judgment without bond in favor of

plaintiffs and plaintiff-intervenors and against defendants and

defendant-intervenors pursuant to FRCP 58.



United States District Chief Judge

To read the Court’s decision in it’s entirety, click here.

The Courts have handed down a decision that gay marriage is now legal in California, negating the ban that had been in place. The decision was handed down as the T-Square involving Saturn, Uranus and Pluto were/are in a configuration astrologers have been watching for years. Furthermore, the decision was made as Mars squared Pluto a transit that often relates to issues regarding sex in one way or another.

Saturn is the planet that is considered, ‘the taskmaster,’ and the planet of solid form, structure and stability, as well as delays, obstacles and restrictions. When Saturn enters a sign energies shift and our greatest challenges, and greater structure come both collectively and individually through events ruled by the sign Saturn is traveling through.

Saturn entered Libra late July and for the next two years the planet of structure and form will challenge issues concerning marriage, partnerships and laws both in the US and abroad.

One day after Saturn entered Libra on July 22,2010 same sex marriage was legalized in Argentina.


Mars and Venus, the planets that rule relationships and love, and the male and female sexes make a number of challenging aspects the first half of August. To read more about these days of challenge, change and opposition that will occur in the area of love/relationships. Click here.

The US is a Cancer Country and as Saturn transits through the fourth house, changes will occur to the very foundation of America. The changes and challenges will test partnerships of all types and question the topic of gay marriage an issue that will generate great divides among the country. As Jupiter opposes Saturn the week of August 8, conservatives will be in a deadlock against liberals.

By late August-September Saturn will square Venus and Jupiter in the US Natal chart bringing more questions that may also be of a legal nature. Additionally Jupiter and Venus are the financial planets and this represents a period of financial adversity. By November Saturn squares the Sun of America bringing challenges to the foundation of American’s and their values.

On a personal level, the planet of structure and delays will challenge partnerships/marriages and relationships. A sold relationship will survive, but the flaws will be exposed in weak or unstable relationships that will lead to many breakups.

To read more about relationships during the current time, click here:






Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. President!

Dear Mr. President:

In looking over your chart, I can see the Saturn-Uranus-Pluto (and Jupiter) grand square is dead on Venus in your chart at 1 degree of Cancer. What an intense time you must be living!

There is no doubt this configuration is bringing changes in the areas that Venus rules-money and financial matters, women, children and friends. It must be creating quite a strain upon your own family. Venus is being squared by Saturn, a transit that often brings marked changes and separations and it is not a time of great popularity or success. For some time now, I can see your values have been changing due to Pluto opposing Venus, which relates to finance and values. You are being forced to define what it is you actually value the most, and it is not an easy transit. You have faced great opposition in everything you have proposed, perhaps even being misunderstood in some cases. Many unexpected situations have occurred, due to Uranus squaring Venus, and this pattern will continue much of August. It is not until later in the year you will start to absorb exactly what your shift in values has been as Pluto will start to move away from your Venus. But, its influence will be felt for some time to come. Mars has just conjuncted Saturn setting this whole configuration off. So, what have you been dealing with over the past few days?

BP says they have contained the well that has contaminated the Gulf, yesterday a gunman killed 9 innocent people in CT., proponents of immigration changes are trying to alter the 14th amendment of the Constitution, major flooding has occurred in Pakistan, a country the US has a relationship with, Israel launched air strikes over the weekend against the Gaza strip (an especially dangerous situation), an oh yes, unemployment at the highest rate in years, stagnant job growth and all of those foreclosures. Congress is at odds, and the two parties are not cooperating. Let’s not forget Wikileaks has posted the ‘official’ record of what has been happening in Afghanistan for the world to see, and yes, it is shocking. Yes, Mr. President you have your hands full and these are just a few of the things I can read about! By the way, most (many) astrologers believe the country mirrors the President’s chart, so it looks like we all have our hands full.

Not to spoil the party, but I’m quite sure there will be more surprising and disturbing incidents that occur over the next number of days. You are lucky that 3 of these 4 planets (Saturn-Uranus-Mars actually trine your Jupiter in Aquarius giving you some planetary help through this situation. But, this period of time will make a major impact on your life and decisions, no doubt.

Due to time constraints I am only mentioning the major transits you have to contend with, and the next one is Neptune opposing Uranus which becomes exact again in October. As it is retrograding, its influence is being felt even now. This transit will be in orb throughout the year. Neptune is the planet of illusion, delusion and confusion, or to become more blunt, often, lies and deception. It is opposing your 7th house of partners, meaning you need to be cautious in your dealings with others’ and the information they present to you. I believe this transit has been a problem throughout your Presidency. It is hard to know exactly what is going on with this configuration, and to an extent it is like operating in the dark. Under this transit, some people go their own way in the face of all reason for ideological purposes. It is easy to be confused and mislead, and an individual with this transit usually ends up disappointed in the people they are required to deal with. There is often a confusion of goals and objectives, and a lack of cooperation in obtaining them. Difficulties crop of in relation to joint finances (the taxpayer) insurance companies and corporate business. There is generally secret opposition and there can be friendships or acquaintances with people who are actually unstable or unreliable. It is easy to become lost in the dark, given incorrect information, or lead down the wrong path. It will require all of your effort to rise above these influences and stick to your goals.

The positive news is that if you can get through the year, your chart actually improves next year. Things may improve in the fall to some extent, as Saturn in Libra sextiles your Sun this fall and next year. That gives you determination and the potential for some success in meeting goals. Oh, and if you are elected to a second term, you will achieve far greater success the second time around. Your Astrologer, Leslie

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Planets of Love Enter the Sign of Relationships

Mars and Venus are the day to day rulers of your love life and when they make certain aspects in your chart this can indicate meeting someone, ‘special.’ Mars entered Libra, the sign of partnerships and relationships on July 30, and Venus enters Libra on August 8.

But, don’t expect these planets to work their magic right off the bat! As a matter of fact Mars, the ‘God of War,’ may stir things up in an existing relationship, create tension or just remind you of lack in the relationship area if you aren’t currently in one. Mars has conjuncted Saturn since July 30, and continues to do so today and this is harsh energy. August 4-7 Mars squares Pluto, making us obsessive, and bringing issues out in the open. Pluto is the ruler of things secret, hidden and can relate to issues about sex as well. This transit represents harsh, combative energy as well. On August 8-9 Venus opposes Uranus. Relationships make take some unexpected twists and turns. Some may end at this time. Anyone you meet may not be in the picture for the long term but it can be a day of fun and entertainment, if you don’t take things too seriously. On August 11-12 Venus squares Pluto and opposes Jupiter creating obsessive moods, jealousies, competitiveness and friction. It is a transit of over-indulgence that can occur on many levels. On the other hand, if the energy is used constructively and maturely issues can be resolved at this time.

On August 10 we have a new moon in Leo, ruler of the fifth house of love affairs putting even more focus on the affairs of the heart.

After the complex squares and oppositions of Mars and Venus are over, these two planets will work well for Gemini, as the planets of love will be dancing through their fifth house of love affairs together through September 8. This combination will encourage Libra and those with a Libra ascendant to become more social and increase their chances of meeting someone or ramping up an existing relationship. Others’ who will benefit from this combination are Aquarius, and Aries. Aquarians may meet someone on the internet or at a distance or through travel, and this is the perfect time for a trip or get-away. Leo will benefit from the Libra combination as well and may meet someone who lives close by, and communicate more with others. Air signs work well for Sagittarius who can increase their popularity and ability to make friends and will socialize more often. All of the above signs stand a greater chance of meeting someone significant, or just increasing their social contacts, but most of all Gemini and Libra.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

This is a Must Read If You were born March 21-25 or April 19, 20-June 22-26, or July21,22-September 24-28, 0r October 21,22-December 22-26 or January 19, 20.

If you were born on any of the above dates, you are an early degree Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, or you are a very late degree Cardinal sign. This will also apply to you if you have a personal planet in any of the early degree Cardinal signs listed above.

You may be asking yourself, ‘What the heck is going on with my life?” What is happening is that you are being bombarded with the energy of three major outer planets, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto. Add Jupiter to the mix and over the next few days through Tuesday or Wednesday, Mars, the ‘God of War,’ and you pretty well have the answer. That’s a lot of planetary energy and you are going to see situations and events coming to a head in your life over the next couple of days, and through the middle of August.

You may be experiencing health or job issues, issues with men, power struggles, break-ups and other convoluted and complex life altering situations at this time. If it is any consolation, this is a once in a lifetime complex planetary pattern that won’t ever repeat itself again!

So, it is easier to understand when we break the situation down to the following-

Saturn and Uranus/Jupiter are opposing each other. This happens every 40 years (Saturn-Uranus) and creates a clash between the past and the present, often bringing disruptive situations to the forefront. There is a lot of stress out there for everybody right now, but if your birthdate is listed above, or you have a personal planet being effected, then the opposition is directly on your planet, or your Sun—that’s you. Situations will be coming to a conclusion so you may be shown you need to alter things or move on with your life. Some of these events seem to come without warning. It will change. First you have to wrap your head around the situation. If you don’t have the answers don’t force them. Time will bring answers and you are under a great deal of stress. By mid-month things should be coming into focus.

Next, Pluto, the planet of ultimate change is involved creating a square to the other two planets forming what is called a T-Square. A square represents struggles. This isn’t the first time Pluto has been telling you that something has to change. You have been dealing with ‘The God of the Underworld,’ since early 2008, if you think about it. Pluto creates power struggles, and brings transformation one way or another. You can resist the change, but sometimes change is out of your hands and beyond your control. If a situation is irrevocably broken let it go. Your ambition may be stirred up. Sometimes other people see that as a threat.

Jupiter, considered the financial planet and the bringer of luck is involved as well. Jupiter rules Dr.’s, lawyers, married men, younger men, foreign people, education and assorted other people and things. Sometimes it means you are dealing with one of the types mentioned. If you are an Aries, Jupiter may bring some ‘planetary luck or help. If you are one of the other signs, it may still bring luck or it may mean you or someone else in the situation wants some freedom. The problem is that it is opposing Saturn, the planet of restriction right now, and it has a retroactive, restrictive influence this month.

Add Mars to the mix for the next few days and we have situations coming to a head. No doubt, it’s a critical time, and the time is now. Mars, the God of war is lined up directly with Saturn, creating a repressive, angry, harsh energy. It opposes Uranus and Jupiter creating explosive, unexpected events and about mid week it will square Pluto, bringing up issues, and either resolutions, or conclusions to your personal situations.

By the end of the first week of August mars will be moving out of the picture and on August 8, Venus, the planet of love and money will enter the picture in Libra and follow the same path as Mars did the week before. During this week, I would look more for situations involving relationships or finances.

The good news is that by mid-month Uranus moves back into Pisces, lessening the harsh energy and by month’s end you should have a firmer grip on your own situation and where you are going. The potential is for positive change, even if you don’t see it right now. So, hang in there, this too shall pass, and if you have questions drop me a line!